Chapter 1: Snappy Brother

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It’s been a year since Spot and I got together. In that time, a few of the other boys also got girlfriends. I would say I started a movement with them, but I honestly think it’s because they were tired of being lonely. I moved to Brooklyn but go to Manhattan when Spot is out selling his papers. I must admit, I miss my Manhattan newsies. They are my only family and I know Jack wants me to move back. Jack has been pretty down in the dumps since he and Sarah broke up. I don’t exactly know what happened, but she doesn’t live in Manhattan anymore. She moved to California. Other than that, things are looking up. Life is great. Being the Queen of Brooklyn isn’t so bad.

                I was sitting on the sidewalk in front of the newsboys lounge. Everyone was off selling newspapers. Everyone except for Jack. He had given himself the day of. Jack and I were passing a cigarette back and forth.

                “Ya ain’t gonna get no food just sittin’ here,” I said taking a drag on the cigarette.

                “And ya ain’t gonna get nothin’ accomplished harassin’ me about it,” Jack snapped, “So shut ya mouth.”

                “What crawled up your ass died? Since when do ya snap at me?”

                “I’m sorry, alright? I ain’t really been myself lately.”

                “Cause of Sarah. You didn’t need that daisy anyway. Ya should of ripped off her petals when ya had the chance.”

                “Brooklyn has made ya hard, Les. Ya startin’ to become heartless too?”

                “Hey, the Brooklyn newsies ain’t heartless especially not Spot. They just know how to get what they want.” I handed Jack his cigarette back.

                “Sure, defend ya beau all ya want. It don’t change nothin’.”

                I shook my head and looked out into the streets. People were walking along the concrete enjoying the nice sunny day. I thought I would be enjoying my alone time with Jack, but truthfully, he was just getting on my nerves now. Every other conversation ended in him talking about Sarah and cursing her name. I know he was upset, but it had been two months. You think he would have gotten over it. Even David was tired of hearing about it and Sarah is his sister. As I was watching and thinking, someone came up behind me and covered my eyes.

                “Guess who?” Spot joked.

                “I not be able ta see ya, newsie, but ya damn voice didn’t change,” I remarked.

                Spot laughed and sat down next to me moving Jack out of the way. He kissed me on the cheek. “Ya too smart for your own good, Les.”

                “I’ve been told worse.”

                “I got somethin’ for ya.”

                “A diamond necklace?”

                “Do I look like Pulitzer to you?”

                “Maybe if ya grow a beard.”

                “Very funny.” He pulled out an apple from his pocket. It was nice and shiny and fresh. I took it from him and bit into it. It was so juicy and delicious. Spot took out two more and handed one to Jack. Jack looked suspiciously at Spot before biting into the apple.

                “Where ya buy these from?” Jack asked.

                “The corner market,” Spot said, “They was sittin’ outside. The guys was bringin’ ‘em in for stock. I sure as hell didn’t buy ‘em.”

                “Ya know how much apples like these cost?” I chimed in, “Not even you could afford more den da peel, Jack.”

                “He’s lucky he didn’ get caught.”

                “Will ya shut ya mouth and eat ya damn apple? Ya startin’ to sound like a bad record.”

                Jack huffed and took another bite out of his apple. Spot went on to tell me of his day. He said he had to pound some money out of this boy that owed it to him. He said the boy had been dodging him for months, but he had finally caught with him. The whole time Jack looked like he would rather be anywhere but sitting with us listening to Spot’s stories.

                “Ya know, pretty face, I found dis great spot on da harbor where seashells wash up on the shore,” Spot informed me.

                “Seashells? Ya startin’ ta go soft on me?” I chuckled.

                “Aw, come on, pretty face, it would be nice to try and find some. Besides, it’s a spot not many people go to. We can be alone…and we don’t have to look for seashells the whole time.” He planted kisses on my cheek.

                I laughed. “Not in public, ya idiot. I ain’t trash ya picked off of the street.”

                “Nah, ya don’t find diamonds on the street.”

                “Aw, ya too sweet.”

                “Will you too just leave already?” Jack shouted.

                I turned to look at him. “I swear if ya say one more thing I’m gluin’ ya mouth ta da damn tree.”

                “Do it. Ya think I wanna hear all this cute stuff you two are talkin’ about?”
                “It ain’t my fault ya don’t know how to get up and leave.”

                “Neither do you.”

                “Ya know, if Sarah leavin’ was gonna change ya this much, ya should have hid in her bag and left with her.”

                I grabbed Spot’s hand and we walked away from Jack. I walked all the way to the harbor wishing a pigeon would tear his lips off.

My Newsie Baby Too (A Spot Conlon Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now