Chapter 5: More Then A Brother

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(Sorry I haven't updated in like the longest time. I've been really busy, but I finally got time to write today. So here it is :) )

I hadn’t told Spot about what happened with Jack. I was too afraid to tell him. Spot was dangerous when he was jealous. He once gave this kid a black eye and a broken nose for whistling at me across the street. I didn’t want to imagine what he would do to Jack.

                I was sitting in the Newsie’s Lounge shuffling cards. No one was in there since it was the middle of the day and everyone was out selling papers. I heard the door open and close, but I figured it was just someone coming to see if all the boys were out. I heard someone stop in front of me and I looked up at Jack. He had one more paper in his hand and he handed it to me.

                “Buy me last pape, lady?” he asked smiling.

                I stood up and put the cards down. “Ya know I’m broke. I gotta go.”

                I walked passed him, but he grabbed my arm. “Les, wait. Ya can’t keep ignorin’ me.”

                “I ain’t ignorin’ you.”

                “Yes ya are. Ya don’t talk to me and ya always run when I come around. What’s goin’ on?”

                I messed with my fingers. “What happened on the harbor…”

                “We was just playin’ around like we usually do. It wasn’t nothin’.”

                “But it seemed like it was somethin’…”

                Jack ran his hand through his hair. “Maybe it was somethin’…”

                “Jack, I’m with Spot. I love Spot.”

                “That don’t mean he deserves ya.”

                “Maybe it doesn’t, but I don’ care. You’re like my brother.”

                “But what if I wanna be more den ya brother?”


                He kissed me out of nowhere, pressing his lips hard against mine. He held me close against his body so I couldn’t move away. I tried to push at his shoulders, but he was stronger than me. When he pulled away, I slapped him in the face.

                “Don’ ever do that again!”

                “Don’ deny ya liked it.”

                “I didn’t. I told ya I don’t like ya like that.”

                “But ya could. Don’ you see that Spot’s a bad guy? He’s ruthless and mean. He might not have snapped on ya yet, but who knows what’ll happen when he does. He’ll hurt ya.”

                “Spot would never hurt me.”

                “Ya don’t know that for sure. I can see it in ya face.” He inched closer to me again. His thumb rubbed my cheek. “Les, I love ya. I think I always have which is why it didn’ feel right wit Sarah.”

                “Jack, stop…”

                “I won’ stop. Not until ya say ya don’t love me at least a little bit.”

                I pushed him away. “Stop it, Jack. I don’ wanna talk about dis no more.”

                Just then, Spot walked into the lounge. He came over to us and looked from me to Jack and back. “Somethin’ goin’ on here.”

                I looked at Jack. “No, just talkin’.”

                “Good. Ready to go, pretty face?”

                I rolled my eyes. “I told ya not to call me that.”

                “I think I gets a free pass ta call ya that.”


                He pressed his lips against mine. Since I knew Jack was watching, I tangled my hands in his hair deepening the kiss. Jack had to know it would never happen between us. I was already in love. I pulled away from Spot smiling.

                “See dat Jacky boy?” Spot said, “She can’ get enough of me.”

                Jack stared at us like he would love to stab Spot through the chest. “I don’ know, Spot. She can get da same thin’ somewhere else, maybe even betta.”

                “What’s dat supposed to mean?”

                I grabbed Spot’s arm. “Come on, Spot, let’s go.”

                Spot eyed Jack coolly before letting me pull him out of the lounge. What was I going to do? 

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