Chapter 4: Nothing

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Jack was teaching me how to skip rockes. I thought it was pretty funny considering he didn’t really know how to do it either. I was starting to miss Spot. During the winter, he didn’t go on paper runs due to the cold weather. But now it was spring do in the daytime he was gone. Jack usually was too, but lately he had taken days off to keep me company.

                Jack threw another rock but it didn’t skip. “Damn.”

                I laughed. “Ya a damn shame newsie. Ya can’t even skip a rock right.”

                “Ya can’t do no better.”

                I picked up a good weight rock out of the sand. I threw it and it skipped three times before sinking. I looked at Jack whose face was red with annoyance.

                “Looks like ya beat out again,” I taunted.

                “Lucky shot,” Jack said.

                “You want me ta do it again?”

                “Nah, I don’ need ya shown off no more.”

                I smirked. “Ya just hate bein’ bested by a girl.”

                “I like bestin’ somethin’ about a girl.”

                “Ya disgustin’.”

                “Whatca gonna do about it, huh?”

                I pushed him. He pushed me back. We started play fighting on the harbor. I laughed as he chased me around and I taunted him. It was all in good fun. Jack tripped over a rock and I tripped over him. I landed on top of him still laughing. He was laughing too. I stopped when I realized how close out faces were. Jack smiled at me looking at my lips.

                “I think I’m startin’ ta get over Sarah.” He started to lean in. I cleared my throat to make him stop. I quickly jumped up and backed away from him. He sat up looking hurt.

                “I think you should go, Jack. I’ll see ya later.”


                “I’ll see ya later.”

                Jack hung his head. He looked as if I had socked him. He walked away sullenly. I sat down on a rock. Jack couldn’t have feelings for me. It would be wrong. I loved Spot. But nothing stopped Jack, nothing.

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