Chapter 17: It's a fine life

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Things went back to normal after a few weeks. I reconnected with the Manhattan newsies. They were all glad to have me back. I didn’t think they were about to let me go anywhere ever again. I told them the whole story of Alex and the cellar and Jack. I told them not to hate Jack for what he had done.  It was horrible, but he didn’t have anyone else but them. They were his family, his team and they needed him just as much as he needed them.

As usual, I went back to spending most of my time in Brooklyn. Being with Spot again was a dream come true. I had missed being by his side as ‘the queen of Brooklyn’. One night, a week after I came back, Spot and I were sitting on the harbor and he placed his key back around my neck. The weight of it on my chest felt safe and familiar. I promised him I would never let anyone take it off again.

Everything was the same. Except for one thing. I still hadn’t talked to Jack since he walked away on the docks. He wasn’t at the newsies lounge and I never saw him in the mornings when the newsies got their papers to sell. I decided that it was time to forgive Jack. I had my life back, street rat and all. He needed his life back too.

I made my way to the cellar where I had been kept with Alex. I opened the door and walked down the stairs into the dark, cold room. Jack was sitting in there as I had expected. He was rolling dice against the wall playing a game with himself. A few candles lit up the room. Jack looked up from his game when he heard my foot hit the floor. He looked surprised.

“Les, what ya doin’ here?” he asked.

“I’m here to talk to you,” I said glancing at the dice, “Unless ya busy.”

“Nah, I was just...entertainin’ myself.” He put the dice in his pocket and sat on one of the boxes on the floor. “What ya wanna talk about?”

I took a seat on another one of the boxes. “About what happened and that I forgive ya for everythin’.”

“Really? I did some awful stuff.”

“I know. And I know it was because ya wanted more den just a brother and sister relationship, but now ya know dat it can’t be more den dat.”

“I know. Ya love Spot.”

“I do. An’ you’ll find some girl who will fall for da Jack Kelly charm just like Sarah. Just wait. An’ don’ lock her in a cellar.”

He laughed. “I’ll remember dat.”

“Ya need to come back, Jack. Ya need ta start workin’ again and bein’ around the other newsies, around David, around ya family. Dey need you too and I know ya need dem.”

“Dere neva gonna forgive me.”

“Yes, dey will. Cause dats what family does. An’ we’re all family. We made it ourselves.”

Jack smiled at me and hugged me. “I’m sorry, Les.”

“It’s alright, Kelly. Jus’ neva do anythin’ like dat again. I’m given ya a second chance.” I hit him on the back of the head. “Don’ mess it up.”

We pulled away from each other and walked out of the cellar together. When we got back to town’s square, the bell was just ringing for the newises to get their papers. Jack and I rushed into the gates where Mr. Weisel was selling bundles of papers. Race, Kid Blink, Mush, Crutchie, David and Les came over to us after getting their papers. They all eyed Jack.

“I’m sorry, fellas,” he apologized, “I shoulda neva don’ what I did to Les. It was stupid and crazy and I’ll neva do it again. Ya don’ have to forgive me, but can ya give me a second chance?”

They all exchanged looks. David walked up to Jack. He stared at him for a minute before thrusting his stack of papers in Jack’s hands. “It’s a terrible headline today. Nobody's going to want to read about it.”

Jack smiled widely. “How many times I gotta tell ya, Dave? Headlines don’t sell papes, newsies sell papes.”

They all patted Jack on the back and welcomed him back. I smiled and walked off as they all got to work. I went to Tibby’s where Spot was outside waiting for me. I jumped into his arms when I saw him.

“So, how did operation Kelly go?” he asked.

“I think Jack will be just fine,” I said, “An’ so will I?”

“No more kidnappin’ or leavin’?”

“I ain’t goin’ anywhere.”

“Betta not. I don’ wanna have to knock ole Kelly on his ass.”

I giggled. “Cocky newsie.” I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him. It was a fine life and I wasn’t going to let anyone take it away from me again.

*The End*

Author's Note: I want to thank everyone who have been reading my newsie stories since the beginning and also the people who just jumped on board my fan fiction train. I know I take super long hiatuses and don't update frequently, but you guys still stick with me so thank you. And this isn't the end. I am starting a new newsie story soon. This one is going to be a Kid Blink love story so look out for that when I post it. Thanks again :D

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