Chapter 2: Fire and Anger

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Spot and I spent the half of the day looking for seashells by the shore. The other half, we spent kissing and talking on the docks. We got back to Manhattan later that afternoon before the sun went down. All the newsies were back at the lounge passing time as usual by playing cards or rolling dice. Race was outside with Sydney smoking a cigar.

                “You know, ya gonna be a bad influence on her,” I told Race, “Next thing ya know, she’s gonna come ta you lookin’ for a smoke.”

                “Hey, I ain’t done nothin’,” Race said defensively, “I ain’t forced her to do nothin’. Besides, she couldn’ handle dis anyway.”

                “What do you mean?” Sydneny snapped.

                “I’m just sayin’, ya too delicate to smoke a cigar.”

                “If Les can do it, I can do it.”

                “Les grew up on da streets. She’s used to it.”

                Sydney was about to take the cigar out of Race’s mouth. My hand stopped her. “Don’ let him bait ya. The kid could sell ice to Eskimos.”

                “What can I say, it’s my God given talent.”

                I hit him upside the head. “Yeah, ya talent for bein’ a dumbass.”

                Spot and I walked passed Race into the lounge. The boys were talking and playing. Mush was in the middle of stomping David and Kid Blink in a poker game. They were betting with cigarettes. No newsie would be dumb enough to bet in poker with money. They didn’t make enough as it was. The only one who seemed to not be having fun was Jack. He was pushing around little Snotty over in the corner. I ran to him and pulled him away from the kid.

                “What da hell are ya doin’?” I snapped.

                “He borrowed two bits from me last week,” Jack yelled, “Da kid never paid me back.”

                “If you got no money, what makes ya think he does, huh? Leave him alone.” Snotty walked away and went to go watch the poker game.

                “Why ya always taken other people’s sides now huh? Why ya never on my side no more?”

                “Cause ya side is wrong most of the da time now. Ya been cranky and mean eva since Sarah dumped ya. That ain’t everyone else’s fault.”

                “You wouldn’t know how gettin’ ya heart broken feels like. Ya humpin’ ya damn beau every second of the day like some whore.”

                My palm came into contact with his face. The sound made everyone in the room stop talking and look our way. Jack stumbled back a bit, his cheek red where I had hit him. My eyes were full of fire and anger. “Don’ eva call me no whore.”

                Spot had heard everything. Specs was holding him back from jumping on Jack and causing an all out brawl. I turned my back on Jack and walked over to Spot. Specs let him go and he turned his attention from Jack to me.

                “Ya alright?” he asked.

                “I’m fine,” I hissed, “Let’s jus go. I got a feelin’ we ain’t wanted here.” I narrowed my eyes at Jack. Spot grabbed my hand and we started to walk out the door. Mush stopped us.

                “Well, wait,” Mush said, “Ya comin’ back right. I mean, ya can’t leave fa good.” The other boys mumbled in agreement.

                “I ain’t the one you should be talkin’ to about dis. Talk ta cowboy. I’m sure he can explain everythin’ I don’ wanna hear.”

                I said goodbye to Mush then followed Spot out the door and back to Brooklyn. That night, I sat on the Brooklyn harbor watching the boats go by. I couldn’t stop thinking of Jack. He had never said one bad word to me before, now it was like he couldn’t stop. Had I done something to him or was it just because he was messed up about Sarah? I threw a rock into the water.

                “Ya know ya can kill fish dat way,” Spot said from behind me. He sat down next to me, his feet dangling over the edge of the dock.

                “Better me den endin’ up on somebody’s dinner plate,” I huffed.

                “Why aren’t ya sleepin’?”

                “I can’t sleep. I’m thinkin’ too much.”

                “About Jack?”

                “I feel like I dis somethin’ to him. He’s been so rude and mean to me lately, more than everyone else. He ain’t never done none of dis to me before.”

                “Maybe it’s cause a dat dame.”

                “Sarah? I don’ think dats all. Dere has to be somethin’ else. Somethin’ with me.”

                Spot put an arm around me. He kissed the side of my head. “Dere ain’t nothin’ wrong with ya, pretty face. Dere’s somethin’ wrong with him. Jus cool off for now, alright?”

                “I guess you’re right.” I turned my head to him. “Didn’ I tell ya ta stop callin’ me pretty face?”

                “Aw, here we goes again. I’m goin’ to bed.” Spot gave me a kiss before walking away. I smirked and turned back around to look back at the harbor.

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