Chapter 12: I Get What I Want

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*So I know I haven’t written anything for this in like the longest time, but I’ve been really really busy. So, I had time today and I wrote this. Hope you like it :)*

A few months passed and all I did was get bigger. I didn’t talk to anyone, not even Spot. The Manhattan newsies would come and try to talk to me, but I wouldn’t say anything. I couldn’t. I didn’t want anyone to feel bad for me. They wanted to help me, to make this better for me. But no one could make it better.

I was sitting on the harbor watching the boats go by. People were loading and unloading cargo. It was sort of refreshing to see people going about everything like nothing had changed. Because nothing had changed for them. But everything had changed for me. I heard someone come up behind me. I didn’t turn around or look up.

“How ya feelin’ kid?” said Race’s voice.

I closed my eyes. “Didn’t someone tell ya that I wasn’t talkin’ to nobody?”

“Ya just talked to me.”

I turned around to look at him. “Now ya got my attention. What do ya want?”

“Ta ask ya what’s wrong. Ya don’ wanna talk to none of us, not even Spot. I ain’t never seen the king of Brooklyn so low. We’re all worried about ya.”

“Well, ya shouldn’t be worried. There ain’t nothin’ wrong with me. I’m pregnant. What else could be wrong with me?”

“All we wanna do is help ya?”

“How? Turn back to time so Jack neva raped me? Go back to where I neva met Jack, neva met anyone of ya. Where would I be right now? Dying in dat stinkin’ orphanage.”

“Ya ain’t gotta worry about Jack. No one is gonna let him near ya. No one has even seen him in months. It’s like he disappeared.”

“He’ll come back. He made it clear ta me.”

I try to get up, but my stomach gets in my way. Race helps me up to my feet. There’s a smile on his face, that snarky smile that used to make me laugh. “Wanna go ta Tibby’s?”

“I’m broke, Newsie and so are you.”

“I earned a few bits today. Might as well blow ‘em on somethin’ good.”

I was going to say no, but he looked determined to bug me until I said I would go. I sighed and put my hands on my stomach scowling. “Why not? Ya obviously ain’t gonna leave me alone.”

Race chuckled and pulled me along.

*Spot’s POV*

I was wandering around Manhattan looking for nothing in particular. The sun was going down and the streets were starting to be less and less crowded. All I really wanted to do was talk to Les. But she didn’t want to talk to me. She didn’t want to talk to anyone. I told her that we could raise the baby like it was mine. We didn’t have to worry about Jack. But she didn’t seem to believe me. I picked up a cigar bud off the ground and lit it with a match from my pocket. I leaned up against a lamp pole and watched the people go by. Young girls with their beaus walking into diners and fancy restaurants. Those were the things that were supposed to make your lady feel better. And what did I have? 50 cents and a used cigar in my mouth. I saw something across the street that caught my eye. Someone was standing in the alley, a cowboy hat on his head. I walked across the street standing in front of the alley.

“They said ya skipped town, Cowboy.”

Jack looked up at me smiling menacingly. “I did, for a while. Now I’m back. Any guess why?”

“If ya back for Les, ya ain’t gettin’ her. Ya ain’t neva gonna touch her again.”

“I ain’t threatned by you no more, Spot. I learned a lot afta I left. Things like there are people in dis world more frightenin’ den you.”

I narrowed my eyes at him. Before I could ask what the hell he was talking about, I was grabbed. Someone had me around the neck with a knife at my throat. I tried to struggle, but the knife nicked my throat. I could feel the blood fall down my skin.

“What is this, Kelly?” I growled.

“It’s me gettin’ what I want, Conlon,” he said, “I told you I get what I want. I thought ya woulda learned that by now.”

I felt something hit me over the head. Then the ground caught up with me real fast.

*So, I’m going to give you guys the choice of helping me write the story. In the comments, tell me what you want to happen or think should happen next. The idea I like, I will write it and I will give a shout out to the person’s idea I choose. Okay? Thanks guys. I love you all for reading my stories :)*

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