Chapter Seventeen

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Walking down the long hallway didn't do anything to make Owen feel alive. None of the learning, none of the people, not even the archery made him feel as if this was worth it. He'd been counting down the days since he arrived. Maybe he couldn't say he gave it a legitimate chance, but he didn't know how to give it a chance.

He didn't know how to give it a chance when he didn't have her to talk to, when he didn't have her to ask questions, when he didn't have her to hold, or Mica. He didn't have them and that drove him insane. 

He just wanted to be home, not necessarily his room, or even his house, or even New Mexico, he wanted to be home with the people he loved. He felt so damn isolated and there was nothing he could do. He was in one of the most populous cities on Earth, but he was alone. 

Sure he had friends, but that didn't mean a thing, because they weren't the people he wanted, not in the slightest.

Jolie wrapped an arm around his shoulders and he had to stop himself from shrugging her off.

"Hey donkey." She smirked and increased the speed of her steps to keep up with him.

"Haha." Owen replied drily, hoping his sarcasm would make her go away. Unfortunately, getting rid of Jolie was not quite so simple. She just rolled her eyes and grabbed his shoulders and had him drag her until he was forced to stop.

"What?" He snarled and she just tilted her head and placed her hands firmly on her waist.

"Well you're in an even shitter mood than usual."

"Yeah well, go away then." Jolie leered before grabbing his hand and pulling him after her. He followed, without enough energy to deny her. He was so sick of this whole thing, he was sick of being alone, in silence. 

She pulled him into an empty classroom and pushed him into a desk. She crossed her arms and stared down at the ridiculous boy. The ridiculous boy who didn't let people see his home screen on his phone, but she knew it was of a girl, the girl. 

The girl he pretended didn't exist, because she broke him. She leant against a wall as Owen answered a phone call. She noticed his hands were just shaking, just a little bit. She leant forward as she noticed the fact and walked towards him slowly. She rested her hands on his shoulders. He looked up into her eyes with something dark and terrifying in his. Jolie almost stepped back and ran from the room, almost.

'They got him. They got the bastard that raped Sarah.'

Fourteen Months Earlier

"Is Mica asleep?" Owen asked as he leant in the doorway of the nursery. He grinned as he saw the crib the team made and the girl leaning over it. Even though she felt dead when she turned around Sarah grinned at the boy in the doorway.

"For the first time all day." She said through a yawn. Owen smiled at her before crossing the room to take her into his arms. She wrapped her arms around his neck and leaned against his chest. She loved the feeling of being in his arms, he was warm.

He chuckled into her hair and slowly stepped back, pulling her with him.

"What is even the point of nude tights?" Sarah mumbled as they made it through the door.

"I don't know, and I don't care Babe." Sarah smirked and felt her weight lift off the ground.

"No I'm too heavy." She protested, muffled by his shirt. He rolled his eyes and asked her to shut up, because she was being ridiculous. That made her laugh and that made Owen laugh.

As they entered the living room Owen's laugh died as he caught sight of Amelia, Kyle and aviv at the table. Amelia smirked, Vic continued to chew her food and Kyle gaped, Owen realised it must be quite a sight. The sight he'd liked was Sarah exhausted and half asleep in his arms. He was going to plop her down on the couch, forgetting that other humans lived in he same house.

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