Chapter Twenty-Six

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It was a terrible three months. Owen's bail was set at two hundred and fifty thousand dollars and no amount of creative accounting or saving or anything would allow the group to scrape together that kind of money. Sarah shattered every time she visited him whenever she ever saw him bruised, or sad, or homesick, or in pain. Owen put on a brave face but she could see right through him. 

Owen didn't know how to handle the time, he wasn't a criminal, right? He had put Spencer in the hospital, his fists breaking bones, but Spencer had hit him back just as hard. He had been charged with felony assault, and who would know what his trial would bring. 

A month after the confrontation, Spencer formally sued Sarah for custody of Mica. She was justifiably terrified. In New Mexico, despite Spencer being charged with her rape, he still had this right to sue her for custody. There was nothing to protect Sarah, no legal defence. Amelia watched her wither in the corner, her dreams seeming on hold as she spent hours upon hours shooting at the target in the backyard. This was a nightmare. Vic blamed herself, believed if she had simply stayed outside she could have prevented it all. 

When it came to deliberating over who should have custody, Spencer or Sarah, it was somehow decided that it should rely on which environment was safest for Mica. Sarah was heartbroken that a man who knew nothing of what she was feeling was deciding whether her rapist should have shared or even full custody of her daughter.

Amelia sat with Sarah when they had to attend deliberations, Spencer directly across from her. She found it within herself to meet the lawyer's dark eyes. He grinned whenever she entered the room, pure delight that he still had this power over her. 

It was simple, what he'd told her still stood if she dropped the charges he wouldn't go after her for custody of their daughter. So, now, they sit in rooms.

Vic sitting in a room getting a degree mastering in sports science.

Owen sitting in a room in his cell staring at the grey walls and the white bars.

Kyle sitting in his office doing, whatever it is his job requires.

Sarah and Amelia, sitting side by side, sit in a room with a monster, fearing what he may do.

"Drop the charges of sexual assault, and I drop the lawsuit," Spencer said leaning over the table towards the two women. Amelia glares resolutely back at him but remains silent. The mediator looks at Spencer as if he had just said the most horrific thing in the world.

"No." Amelia retorts, slamming her hands against her thighs and looking back to Spencer. "I may not be versed in the laws of this state, but I know that one look at this girl and no jury in the world would dare call you not guilty!" 

"I wouldn't count on that. I'm sure you've seen the turning tide, there may be more respect for women in the workplace, but rape is not considered a big deal, hardly even a crime. Plus, you and I both know that the rape kit was, misplaced." He smirks as Sarah gulps sharply, her eyes on the edge of watering, her lips fused shut. He had the power and he knew.

He had the power because there was something Sarah wanted more than a conviction that could well be thrown into jeproady. There was something Sarah wanted more than to see this man to rot behind bars for a limited time. There was something she wanted as desperately as she wanted air. She wanted her family to be safe.

"So, if I drop the charges, you'll leave my daughter alone. You'll sign to have no legal rights to her, you'll sign it all away."

"Yes. It's simple really." He replied. Amelia turned towards Sarah sharply.

"You can't." She hissed. Sarah shook her head.

"You'll sign away all rights to my daughter." She repeated and Spencer nodded. "And you'll drop the charges against Owen."

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