Chapter Thirteen

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Ruby was shooting as a novice and Owen felt proud. She was his girl, they'd only solidified it in the past month. She'd been with him almost constantly and the experiences he'd had... They made him grin just thinking about it.

He didn't see how someone could enjoy that with someone who didn't want it. That thought made him sick to his stomach, it made him think of Sarah and that just sent him down a whole different path.

There was regret forcing his heart to beat a tattoo against his chest. He was lost as to why. He'd had sex with his girlfriend. So what? He was a teenage boy, that's what they do. He didn't know why the thought of Sarah ever knowing about those actions hurt him. It was stupid.

He tried to revert to not thinking but failed. Ruby ran up to him and jumped into his arms. He caught her and she wrapped her legs around his waist, pushing herself against him.

"What happened?" He asked, furrowing his brow in a show of concern.

"I'm in the gold medal match." Okay now he was just confused. He swallowed the loud and insensitive, 'how?' on his lips.

"They've got a novice competition." She whined, seeing it in his face. He avoided the urge to roll his eyes at her, instead he grinned and kissed the tip of her nose. He set her back down on the ground and she beamed. It was awesome for her, even if there were only the two novices to begin with, each step is important.

Ruby went off to do some preparation with Ana before her big match. Owen was left alone, he went and sat on a bench and got out his phone. He shoved his earphones into his ears and flooded his brain with music. Flooding away his thoughts. He tried Sarah's thing of focusing on each lyric to push everything out of his mind, but that just turned his thoughts to Sarah.

He could see Ruby beckoning him over, her match, along with every other match on the line, was about to start. Owen plastered a grin on to his face and ran over to watch. He wasn't one for cheering and only did it when someone like Vic or Ana or Sarah, or generally any of the annoying girls on the team forced him. For Ruby he made an exception. He cheered with every arrow that hit the twenty metre target, for every one that missed he told her it would be okay. The match was halfway through when his mind continued to wander, when he realised he hadn't caught sight of Sarah for almost half an hour, odd for her. She was always watch the matches of the younger ones, cheering them on and giving them unsolicited advice.

He caught Nathan's arm as he was going to watch his younger brother shoot against Ruby.

"Have you seen Sarah?" Owen asked and Nathan shrugged.

"I saw her go inside ages ago, she said she was really achy and she was going to go lie down." Owen looked at Ruby even as he went into overdrive if Sarah said the word 'really,' she must be in an extreme amount of pain.

He looked at Ruby again, then sprinted into the club rooms. There wasn't much to search through and after solidifying himself, he entered the girl's bathroom and got down on his knees in front of Sarah.

"Babe, what happened?" He asked, cupping her face again, it wasn't the same this time, this time he wanted to know if she was okay.

"I think, I think I'm in labour," Sarah admitted before a grimace took over her face and everything looked painful to Owen. He grabbed her hand and his own eyes widened.

"It's too early, you're not due for another month!"

"No shit Sherlock!" She cried out.

"Okay, we're going to the hospital." He orders and wrapped an arm around her back, helping her get to her feet. They'd only taken a few steps when Sarah doubled over and squeezed the hell out of Owen's hand. He held the pain inside and wrapped his arm around her tighter. He could feel the sheen of sweat on her skin, how long had she been like that?

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