June 2007 - 6 Years Old

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It wasn't often, but Tsuna knew when Ayame started coughing it was his job to keep her from continuing to train. It was why Xander-Sensei had told her, she could only tain if Tsuna was there with her. Xander-Sensei made sure to explain it to him before the older magical left the hospital. Tsuna shortened their morning runs from the hour Ayame wanted them to be to only a half hour. She wasn't happy, but when Tsuna thought of her coughing blood, and the way her eyes went bloodshot, he held firm. He wouldn't let his friend hurt herself.

When they weren't training, they hung out around Tsuna's house. When his Mama got a phone call, during breakfast one day, from one of her friends, inviting her on a spa trip, he stopped her from turning down the invitation.

"I'll spend the day with Ayame-chan. Mama needs to spend the day with mama's friends too."

Watching his Mama smile was wonderful. So Tsuna used the number Ayame had given his Mama earlier, and called her.

Ayame came to walk him to her house a few minutes later. She wore a green sundress, with gold embroidery and a dark red jacket.

"Like I told you before, my parents are dead. I'm an orphan, and normally I'd live in the orphanage, but because of my magic being so unstable, I don't." Ayame began.

They walked for awhile, passing many of the other houses and past the shopping district. They neared the traditional styled houses, and Tsuna followed as Ayame lead him past the Hibari residence, and a few other homes. The one farthest from the other's was large, and open. Ayame lead Tsuna inside, with a small smile.

Ayame led Tsuna around the house, she waved to the maids, and introduced him to the doctors, and the nurses, and the magical theorists and researchers. He couldn't remember all their names, but most wore their day job name tags so he didn't feel to worried.

"Xander-Sensei, is like my dad while Yoko-kachan, well she's like my mother. She's also the head of my cleaning staff."

Ayame showed Tsuna the T.V room, and her music room, her meditation and yoga room, the kitchen and dining room, the gardens, and finally her room.

Ayame's room was large, but so full of life. There was art on her walls, her desk had papers covering it, and her bed was full of stuffed animals, like dragons and bears. She had a thick tome on the coffee table, and a dresser with a vanity mirror. Ayame sat on a pink and blue rug on her floor, so Tsuna sat down with her.

"My parents lived in England, my father was descended from Nobility, as was my godfather, and godmother. My godfather is in jail, and my godmother is in a coma. I hope to inherit my father's title when I'm older. I'd be Lady Gryffindor."

She explained as she opened the large book. She pulled out a few photos,

"The redhead is my Mum. The black haired man next to her is my Dad."

Tsuna watched as Ayame slid her finger across the picture, and the two figures began dancing under the falling snow. She handed him another photo, this one had four teenage boys, that once she slid her finger across, began chasing each other around the photo.

"The boy with glasses is my dad, the second dark haired boy is my godfather Sirius Black. Then there's the tall brown haired boy, he's Remus Lupin, and he's got a magical illness. But unlike mine his was caused by someone else. So it's more of a curse than an illness but it's close enough. The fourth boy is Peter Pettigrew. He's a traitor, but because England never gave my godfather a trial, they don't know that."

Tsuna watched the teenage boys throw snowballs at each other for a while before he asked,

"Then how do you know?"

"The Godparent oath. If Sirius ever put me in danger his magic would have killed him. He never betrayed my parents because if he did, he would be dead. I know he isn't dead because I can still feel his magic monitoring mine. Remus is a werewolf, and considered my dad as his Alpha in the pack. His magic would kill him if he even thought of betraying my dad. I know he lives because he works for one of dad's companies. That leaves Peter, and he disappeared."

Tsuna passed both photo's back to Ayame and she put them in the book. There was a knock on the door, which made Tsuna jump, to which Ayame laughed.

Ayame opened the door and let in a woman with golden blonde hair, and sliver blue eyes.

"Yoko-kachan, this is my best friend, Sawada Tsunayoshi-kun. Tsuna-kun, this is Yoko-kachan." Ayame introduced. Tsuna stood and bowed.

"Nice to meet you,"

"Yoko-san is fine Sawada-kun."

"Nice to meet you Yoko-san."

Tsuna walked around the gardens with Ayame and Yoko-san until lunch, they shared stories, and talked about the progress the research team has made in finding a cure for Ayame-chan's unstable magic.

"So far, all they know is that the human life source, called Flames, is where the cure lies." Yoko-san informed with a sigh. She led the two kids to the kitchen and they sat at the table as she made some lunch.

"There could be thousands of different types of Flames though. Like there's thousands of different branches of magic." Ayame groaned.

After a lunch of turkey sandwiches and fruit pieces, Ayame walked Tsuna home. They made it back as his Mama's friend was pulling away from the house. His Mama smile brightly at the two, and after a few questions about their day, Nana was sharing her own adventure to a spa in another town that she went to with her friends.

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