Ch.7 : Mani's New Assistant 👀

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You have no idea how hard it was to write this chapter, fam where did my ideas go? Anyway pushing through as now it's only 3 chapters until

Also, these chapters should be longer than the rest, as it's winding down but you know pray for me cause lawd

Introducing Mani's New Assistant - Ashley Nicolette Frangipane (Halsey)

"I'm just saying, I'd watch out for Gabe, he picked out Mani's new assistant and I heard she's pretty hot," Shaun began, pausing to chew before continuing, "also Gabe is pretty vindictive, he would try and sabotage you and Mani all because I didn't give him any of my moonchie."

Lauren rolled her eyes, fixing Marcos's lunch,"I'm not worried, Mani has everything she could ever want or need with Marcos and I. Also, why didn't you put out for Gabe? That's the real story, he's fucking hot!"

"Mami, what's fucking hot mean?" Marcos asks, innocently.

"Jesus, uh Marcos, good morning baby. Can you go in your room and get your lunchbox out of your backpack for mami?"

"Look at you, cussing in front of my baby again, ugh. I can't wait to tell your master, oops, I mean, Mani."

Lauren held her tongue, trying to spare her little boy more of her colorful vocabulary. "Just send me a pic of the puta and shut it."

"Bye babe, love you too! Tell, Marcos his godfather said he loves him!"

"Uh Huh, now send the photo. Bye hoe!"

"Gabe, why did you hire someone? I thought we were doing fine, besides, Shaun knows what I need and he's accepted by my wife. Please tell me it's a boy? Or at least an ugly woman?"

"Mani! That's so rude! Don't be shallow," Gabe admonished, shaking his head in fake.

"Whatever, where is this assistant?"

"Ashley is getting your favorite coffee currently, she'll be here shortly. Also, she's my cousin so be easy on her will you? It's her first real job, besides singing at night at some of the local clubs."

"Singer? First real job and she's related to you? God, she's going to suck isn't she?"

"Normani Kordei!" Gabe yelled, incredulous.

"Uh, should I come back another time?" Ashley timidly asks, lightly pushing open the ajar door.

Normani looked away from Gabe and almost dropped her jaw. That girl couldn't seriously be wearing what she thought she was. That was so unprofessional and sexy and just....

"Ashley, is it?" Normani begun, walking confidently towards the girl before wrapping her hands around her coffee and pulling it towards her.

"Yes, Ashley Frangipane, unfortunately related to Gabe but otherwise a pretty strong employee," Ashley joked, trying to break the ice.

Before Normani could point out that what she was wearing was inappropriate, Gabe beat her to it.

"Ash! What the fuck are you wearing?"

Ashley raised her eyebrow, looking down at her outfit. "What? You said it was an edgy, hipster place to work. What's wrong with my outfit?"

Mani and Gabe both gave Ashley a once over, Mani's a little more deliberate, and definitely slower than Gabe's.

Mani and Gabe both gave Ashley a once over, Mani's a little more deliberate, and definitely slower than Gabe's

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Daddy Mani (Laurmani/ Normani GP) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now