Ch. 10 Dinah Gets A Boo

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I figured the story needed a pinch of drama so... 👀

Also, y'all Norminah hoes better head on over to 2 Weeks and give it love cause honey..... I'm so tempted to hiatus it loves 😒 and just focus on Daddy Lauren (coming soon) + SLTC Sequel (coming super soon)

Time Skip: 2 months

"Baby, let's have date night, can you call Dinah and set that up?" Lauren asks Mani. They're currently cuddling on their couch, with Marcos wedged between them snoring. The family had been enjoying a Harry Potter marathon (Marcos's new obsession) for the past 4 hours and the little man was spent.

Mani stretches a bit before reaching over and grabbing her iPhone. "When are we doing this, Lo?"

"Tomorrow? Dinah should be free, she's always free."


"Mmmm, D-Dinah, wait."

Dinah pauses her kissing assault, leaning her head back and looking at the woman in front of her.

"What's wrong, baby girl?"

"I thought we were having date night? It seems like we are just gonna fuck all night like yesterday, the day before and the day before."

"I mean... Mila is that not what you'd like to do?"

"I just got out of a relationship where all me and her did was fuck. We never went out, she could never show me off or introduce me to her friends and I hated it."

Dinah raises her eyebrow, "Why couldn't she do that? Was she in the closet?"

Camila pauses, "Uh...something like that. Anyway, I just wanna go out and be wined and dined for once. Then, maybe if it's a good date, I'll let you finish this."

Dinah smiles, "Of course, I didn't know that's how you felt. How about this, tonight let's just have a chill Netflix night, sans the chill part, and we talk and get to know each other better. Then tomorrow, I'll take you out to one of my favorite restaurants. Deal?"

Camila beams at Dinah, "That sounds perfect. Now, cuddle me!"

"Wait, I need some popcorn, I'm hungry and if I'm not gonna get me a Cuban then I need something else to munch on."

Camila rolls her eyes playfully, and watches as Dinah leaves her living room. Camila felt good, after divorcing Lucy 6 months ago, she finally felt happy. The whole finding out she was the other woman, that Lucy had a whole life apart from her, crushed her. Bumping into Dinah randomly at the mall had been a Godsend.

"Alright, I'm back and I brought you a banana."

"Why are you so perfect, DJ?"

"Because I-"

Dinah's cell begins to ring, cutting her off. She eyes the caller ID and sees that it's Mani.

"Sup Daddy Dick, how can I help you?"

"Dinah, you're so crazy. Anyway, I wanted to know if you could watch your Godson tomorrow night. Lo wants to have date night."

Dinah glances at Camila, "Uh...normally I would totally say yes but, I actually have plans."

"Say what? You're the queen of singledom and hoetry, can't this booty call of yours wait?"

Dinah frowns, "It's not a booty call, I'm talking to this really sweet girl, and we have a date tomorrow."

"Talking to a girl? Dinah, since when?"

Daddy Mani (Laurmani/ Normani GP) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now