ONE | a very special day

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Sophie looked at Fitz and saw a future- a future she wanted to be in. She hadn't told anyone about the feelings she had for him (although she had a suspicion that Biana had figured it out). Sophie was torn. She loved Dex and Keefe, but only as friends. However, she knew that they probably didn't want to settle for being "just friends." She was pretty sure that Keefe really liked her, but what she didn't know was that he knew that Fitz had feelings for Sophie, and to Keefe, Fitz was competition.

Fitz was almost perfect. He was not only extremely good-looking, but also extremely kind and compassionate. Sophie didn't want Fitz to think that she only liked him for his looks. Rather, she liked him because he was the very first person she met that genuinely wanted to be her companion. Fitz introduced her to a life she never even thought of living. Now, thanks to Fitz, she had more friends that she could count.

Sophie was taking a quick walk through one of the many meadows, wanting to talk to Calla. She did this occasionally, on days where she got way too stressed. Talking about her concerns out loud and being able to think without interruption was very relaxing. Reaching Calla's tree, she sat on the little bench that had been set there a few weeks ago. "I'm so confused again," she confessed. "One minute Fitz is acting like he's interested in me, and the next he's saying I'm like a little sister! I don't know what to do. Plus, he keeps acting cozy around Linh," she ranted.

While distracted and lost in her thoughts, Sophie failed to notice a certain teal-eyed boy approaching. Fitz cleared his throat.

"How long have you been there?" Sophie demanded, whirling around.

"Just a few minutes?" he replied, somewhat nervously.

Sophie began blushing furiously. "What did you hear?"

"Um...kind of everything," Fitz admitted with an embarrassed look.

Sophie groaned. "I'm sorry, just...ignore that. It's been a long day."

"Okay, if that's what you want."

They sat in awkward silence for a few minutes, both feeling very embarrassed. Finally, Fitz spoke up.

"Did you mean what you said? Do you like me?"

"Um..." Sophie scrambled frantically for an answer.

"Nevermind. It's okay. Ignore me. That was a dumb question," Fitz mumbled.

"No, it's okay. I'll tell you. Just...don't ignore me, 'kay?"

"Sure?" Fitz replied confusedly.

"Ilikeyou," Sophie said in a rush.

"Excuse me?" he asked.

Sophie sighed. "I like you, okay? I've liked you ever since Oblivymere," she confessed.

Fitz froze. "You like me?"

"This was a mistake. I need to go," she said, standing up and running back towards the house.

"Wait! Sophie, stop!" Fitz called.

Beginning to sprint, Sophie ignored Fitz's calls. She heard the sound of him running, presumably towards her. All of a sudden, she felt a hand on her shoulder.

"Fitz, I get it. I'm like your sister. Please, just leave me alone!" she said, beginning to cry.

"No, you don't understand. I like you too, Sophie!" he said earnestly, stopping her from running off again.

Sophie gasped in surprise. Could it be true? "Yes, it's true," Fitz said gently. Sophie blushed. She must have said that out loud. Fitz tilted her chin up, making her look at him, and gently cupped her face in his hands. "Can I kiss you?" he asked softly. Sophie nodded, and, standing on her tiptoes, reached up and closed the distance between them.

this chapter has been proofed and...yeah it's still awful but it's a teensy bit better, at least. fitz isn't reading sophie's mind anymore, and i just took out the stuff about silveny :) oh, and i changed the beginning. basically the plot of this chapter is different but the ending is the same. also guys i just realized how old wylie is (HE'S 21??) so i'm making him like 16, 17 ish so linh isn't dating someone 5ish years older than her (which isn't bad necessarily just that she's only 16) 

this book was written a while ago, and some things might not be accurate because we just didn't know it yet so i made something up. CONSTRUCTIVE criticism is welcome and very much appreciated! if you find grammatical mistakes or the like, point them out and i'll fix them. however, constructive is the key here. please be nice in your comments.

if you liked this chapter, please leave a comment and vote! thank you! dedicated to @hopeindarkness for helping me with the title and with writing the first two chapters :)

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