NINE | talks, kisses, and games

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Tam stood stone still for a moment, not really taking in all that Biana had said.

"Wait, what?" he asked.

Biana sighed, but repeated herself nonetheless. "I said, my parents gave me permission to date."

Tam's jaw dropped. "Whoa. So, you can date anyone?"

Biana shrugged. "Well, yeah, but they have to know and approve of the guy."

Tam smiled. "Well, my parents don't really get to stop those sort of things, so I guess I'm allowed to as well, if I find the right girl...."

Biana smirked. "Do you have one in mind?" she said, playing along.

"Maybe, or maybe not. You'll have to guess," Tam said, with a twinkle in his eye.

"Alright, fine. What color hair does she have?"

"Oh, dark brown."

"Hmm....dark blue eyes, or light blue eyes?"

"Oh, somewhere in the middle, I would say."

"Is she at Foxfire or Exillium?"

"She's been to both, but presently she's at Foxfire."

"Oh, darn. That rules out Marella. Give me a hint."

"Okay, but then you only get one more guess. The hint is: she's someone you know well. She's also here right now," he said, inching closer and closer with every word.

Bian glanced around the room. "Well, Sophie has blonde hair, and Linh's out of the question because she's your sister, she me?" Biana asked tilting her head up.

"Yes," Tam replied, just before he leaned down and kissed her.

There was no denying that this was not Biana's first kiss by far, but it was definitely the best. The girl sighed, pulling Tam closer to her and opening her mouth a little. They kissed for a minute or two, then broke apart, breathless.

"Wow. That was....amazing," Tam said.

Biana grinned. "It was, but I think we can do better," she teased.

Tam looked suspiciously at her. "Is that a challenge?"

Biana smirked. "I don't know. What do you think?"


Keefe, Dex, and Linh stood awkwardly in one of the two unoccupied corners of the room, all waiting for the other person to break the silence. Finally, Linh took up the challenge. "So, um, what do you want to do?" Dex looked around. Finishing Truth or Dare was out of the question at the moment, since Sophie and Fitz were...otherwise occupied, as were Tam and Biana.

Dex cringed, seeing his cousin and his old rival together, and quickly turned away. Tam and Biana were still kissing, if you could call it that. It may have crossed the line into "making out" territory, but having never crossed that line himself, Dex was a little cautious with his labeling.

"Um, I don't know," he told Linh, finally tearing his eyes away from the kissers."You?"

"I don't know either," Linh said.

Keefe nodded in agreement.

Sophie and Fitz came up to them, breathless and looking apologetic. "Sorry about that. We didn't mean to ditch you guys, but SOMEONE couldn't control himself," Sophie said, pretending to glare at Fitz.

"Oh, it's totally fine. You didn't ditch us, we all just kinda separated. Oh, look, there's Biana and Tam," Linh said, gesturing to the couple.

Fitz's eyes twinkled. "I told you! I knew Biana would go to him first thing when I overheard my parents telling her she could date. Come on, pay up," Fitz said triumphantly.

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