ELEVEN | in the morning

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Blinking in the light streaming in from the window, Sophie yawned. Reaching over and unlocking her iPod, she saw that the time was 5:49, just past dawn. She reached over and tapped Fitz's shoulder.
"Psst! Wake up, sleepyhead?"
"Ugh, Sophie, go away! I'm still sleeping!"
"Well, if you're sleeping, how can you also be talking?"
"You know what I mean. Now, leave me alone!"
"Okay...." Sophie said. "I guess you won't get any of that mallowmelt I'm going to make..."
Fitz was up in a flash. "Mallowmelt? Where is it? I want some!"
Sophie giggled. "You'll get some, just hold your horses."
Fitz scrunched up his nose in confusion. "What does 'hold your horses' mean?"
"It's a human thing. Now come on, let's go downstairs."
Two hours later, the last batch was done. The couple smelled the aroma of the half-dozen pans of deliciousness cooling on the counter and both of them sighed in anticipation. As they were staring at the pans, a bleary-eyed Keefe trudged down the stairs.
"Ooh, is that mallowmelt? Can I have some?' Not bothering to wait for an answer, Keefe reached for a slice only to find it scorching hot. "Ow!" Keefe cried. "That's still hot!"
Sophie laughed a little. "Yes, Keefe, you can have a piece, but wait for it to cool first."
A few minutes later, the mallowmelt was cooled. Each of them reaching for a piece, the trio dove in.
"Mmmmm," Sophie said. "I love mallowmelt..."
"So do I," Fitz said. "But you know what I love even more?"
"Um...what?" Sophie asked.
"You!" Fitz replied as he leaned down to peck her cheek.
Keefe gagged. "Where is Dex when I need him? All this Sophitz is killing me!"
Right on cue, they heard someone walking down the stairs. "Hey guys! Wait, is that mallowmelt I see?"
Sophie quickly hid the pans behind her back. "Nope," she replied.
"Then, what's there behind your back?' the periwinkle eyed boy asked.
"Um....nothing?" Sophie answered.
"Just give some to him, Sophie!" Fitz laughed.
Sophie fake pouted. "Okay, fine." She reluctantly handed her cousin a piece.
"Thanks...wait, did you give me the smallest piece?"
"Noooo....fine, take another."
"That's better. Now, where is everyone?"
"Still sleeping, I guess," Keefe replied. "Can we go wake them up? Please?"
The group smiled somewhat evilly. "Yeah....let's do that," Fitz said. They quietly snuck up the stairs to the bedroom.
"Wait here," Dex whispered. "I need to get some water."
They nodded. "Okay,' Sophie whispered back.
Within a minute, Dex was back carrying four buckets, each half-full full of ice cold water. Sneaking into the room, they separated to stand at the head of each of the sleeping teens. Fitz was leaning over his sleeping sister (who still looked beautiful even when unconscious), holding a pail of freezing ice water; Sophie stood next to her boyfriend, ready to douse him with her own bucket; Dex crouched beside Linh; and Keefe kneeled next to Tam.
"On three," Keefe whispered. "One, two....three!" All at once, they emptied their respective buckets onto the person in front of them.
"AHHHHHHHHHH!" the previously sleeping trio screamed. "WHAT WAS THAT FOR?"
Fitz, Sophie, Dex, and Keefe all doubled over with laughter. "You should see your faces," remarked Keefe in between snorts of laughter.
"Hmph," said Biana. "My hair is all messed up!"
"You look fine, sis," answered Fitz. "Wait, you're still dry!" he remarked to Linh.
"I'm a Hydrokinetic. I don't get wet unless I want to," she replied with a smile.
"She's lying. She just dried herself off super fast," interrupted Tam. "She can't control water that well when asleep."
Linh hmphed. "You always spoil all my fun," she mock pouted, sticking out her lower lip in an attempt of so called "puppy dog eyes."
"So, what are we going to do now?" questioned Biana.
"Well, actually, your parents are coming to pick you guys up pretty soon, so you guys need to finish packing," said Della, who appeared out of thin air, startling the whole group.
"Aw, can't they stay longer?" Fitz asked.
"No, sorry," responded Della.
Just then, the doorbell rang. "Oh, that's probably one of your parents to pick you up," said Della, descending the stairs, walking down the hall, and opening the door.
"Hi, Della! I'm here to pick up Tam, Linh, and Keefe," said Tiergan. "Are they ready?"
"Yes, let me call them down," answered Della. "Linh! Tam! Keefe! Tiergan's here," she shouted.
"Okay! Coming," they heard Linh yell back.
Keefe appeared first, holding his bag in his hand and a piece of mallowmelt in the other.
"Mallowmelt? Can I have some?" asked Tiergan excitedly.
"Sure, let me get the pan," said Sophie.
When she returned, Tiergan snatched a piece of mallowmelt, savoring the delicious slice of dessert in his mouth. "Yum, this is good," he remarked.
"Thanks," said Sophie, just as Linh and Tam came down.
"Okay, thanks Della! Bye!" said Keefe, Linh, and Tam in unison.
"Bye! See you soon!" replied Fitz, Sophie, Biana, and Dex.
Soon, Edaline came to pick Sophie up, thus ending the sleepover.

after what is it, three years(?) this is finally done. thanks for reading! i was toying with the idea of a sequel, but i think now that if i do write another kotlc fanfic it'll be completely different from this. sorry to disappoint :( again, thank you so much for reading! i always love to read comments (as long as they're phrased respectfully). love you!

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