FOUR | conversations with siblings

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After light-leaping home, Biana went straight to her room. She sat at the edge of her bed and thought about her growing attachment to Tam. As she was thinking, she heard a knock at her door.

"Come in," she called.

Fitz entered the room and took a seat on her bed. The two siblings sat in awkward silence for several minutes, Fitz looking at Biana expectantly. As the silence became unbearable, Biana asked,

"Fitz, why are you here?"

"Oh, I just saw you and a certain someone going into a room, and then I saw Soph follow you guys and come out with a huge smile on her face and I wanted to know what was up," he said with a slightly mischievous and evil smile.


"Are you going to tell me or not?" he questioned.

"No," she retorted.

"Okay, I'll just ask Sophie."

"Ugh, fine! I'll tell you." Biana groaned and put her head in her hands. Brothers could be so annoying sometimes.

Fitz prompted, "So...?" and nudged Biana.

She took a deep breath. "I, um, really like Tam. You saw how he pulled me aside today right before he left, right?" Fitz nodded. Biana continued. "Well, we went into that room, and, um, told me he really, really likes me. Then, um, I said that I did too, which I do, and I kind of, um." She paused.

Fitz said, "You kind of what?"

Biana sighed and said "I kind of, uh, kissed him?" The last few words came out as a squeak.

Fitz stared at her, then started laughing. Biana blushed, embarrassed that she had just said that to Fitz, her brother! Finally, Fitz stopped laughing. He said to Biana,

"Linh and I thought that you guys would never get together!!"

"What?" Biana asked, confused.

"We should celebrate this momentous occasion."

With that, Fitz ran over to the door, opened it, and yelled, "HEY MOM AND DAD! BIANA KISSED SOMEONE!" Biana was mortified. She knew that any minute, her mom would run up and press for details. Sure enough, after a few seconds, Della ran into the room. Before she could say a thing, Biana asked,

"Mom, can we talk about this somewhere else?" glaring at Fitz, who was clearly planning to eavesdrop.

"Oh, of course," Della said, and dragged Biana to her office.

Back at Alluveterre, Tam was stuck. In a chair. He sighed, knowing that there was no getting out of this. Noticing his feigned despair, Linh cackled.

"You should have known not to fall asleep after what I saw happen with Biana! And you just had to fall asleep in a chair!"

"I know, I know. I just never thought you had this in you," he sighed. "I thought you were the nice one!"

Linh laughed. "Um, no. You should know better than anyone that I'm not a complete cinnamon roll," she said. "You know, Tam, I think hot pink is definitely your color, along with lime green, and bright orange," Linh remarked, pleased with her handiwork.

"Very funny, but no," Tam deadpanned.

Linh snorted. "Well, I was just thinking that you would like those colors... "

"Linh, what do you want?" he asked tiredly.

"Oh, I just want you to tell me why you pulled Biana aside right before we left."

"What makes you think I'll tell you?"

"Because if you don't, I'll tell everyone that you have a teddy bear named Captain Cuddly."

"Come on Linh, who would believe that?" he asked with a slight hint of indignation.

"Oh, I could probably find a pink teddy bear somewhere and show them that! I bet Biana would like that."

At the mention of Biana's name, Tam froze. "Fine!! I'll tell." Linh smirked. She knew that she could get him to cave eventually.

Tam steadied himself, bracing for the inevitable teasing to come. "I pulled Biana over to tell her, that, um, ugh, this is embarrassing, I really like her?"

Linh gasped. Tam smiled secretly, relieved that he didn't have to share the part where Biana kissed him....Linh looked at him disapprovingly. "I know that there is SOMETHING you aren't telling me. Now, spill."

Tam muttered, "Argh, is is awkward. I know you'll bug me about this-"

Linh shook her head. "Uh, yeah," she said.

"So here," Tam continued. "Biana kissed me." The last few words were whispered.


Tam glared at his sister. "Shhhh!" he whispered. "Now that I told you, would you untie me?"

"Hmm, I don't think I want to-"

"Linh, untie me now or I will tell everyone about Princess Sparkles."

"Who is that?" she asked.

He smirked. "Oh, just your IMAGINARY stuffed unicorn. Wouldn't Wylie love to know about that?"

"And why exactly do you think that having a stuffed unicorn would embarrass me? And besides, you wouldn't dare."

"Oh yeah? Watch me." Tam reached over and grabbed his imparter and tried to hail Sophie. He succeeded, and Sophie's face appeared on the screen, but before he could say anything, Linh covered his mouth with his hand. Tam promptly licked her hand, but that didn't seem to faze Linh, probably because she was a hydrokinetic.

"Yes, Tam?" Sophie said.

"Oh, it's nothing," Linh said, interrupting her brother.

"Okay, um, well I guess I'll go now," Sophie waved goodbye.

Linh sighed with relief. "That was close," she said. "I get the point. I'll untie you."

didn't change a whole lot in this chapter, mainly because i just wasn't sure what to do lol. again, if you see inconsistencies or the like throughout the whole of this story, please point them out! thanks :)

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