THREE | sorting out feelings

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Linh followed Keefe into a pasture. She was surprised when he admitted he liked her, but she felt no feelings for him. Secretly, she really liked Wylie, and they had actually been dating for about a week now. Only Tiergan knew, however. Suddenly she saw Tam hiding behind a tree. She rolled her eyes. Of course he would have followed her.

Keefe sat on a bench overlooking a lake. Without turning around, he said, "Beautiful, isn't it?"

"Why yes, it is," Linh said, sitting down beside him. She felt him slide his hand into hers. Linh flinched.

Keefe turned around. "I really like you, Linh, and I want to know if you like me," he said, cutting straight to the chase.

"Keefe, you're a good friend, but my feelings don't lie. I'm sorry," Linh said. Seeing the pain and hurt in Keefe's eyes, Linh almost regretted saying it.

"I feel really weird now. I will always like you, Linh, even if you don't feel the same. Who's the guy you like?" Keefe asked.

Linh blushed, trying to hide her emotions, but there's only so much you can hide from an Empath. "I like Wylie- we've actually been dating for a week now," she confessed. She felt that Keefe deserved the truth.

"Oh, wow. Linh, I'm sorry, I should never have told you my feelings. I'm just making this harder." With that, Keefe stood up and walked away. Linh didn't contradict or stop him. Walking over to Tam, she saw him smirk.

"So, Wylie?" he asked.

She groaned. "Yeah," she said. "Are you okay with that?" she added nervously.

"Of course! He seems like a nice enough guy. If he hurts you though..."

Linh laughed. "If that happens, you can do whatever you want. Just know that it won't be happening."

Tam rolled his eyes. "Fine."

The twins continued their friendly banter as they got up and walked back to the house.

A little while later, it was time for the guests to go home, but no one wanted to be the first to go. The adults looked happy enough, but Keefe was still missing. Sophie was standing very close to Fitz. Linh was standing by Tam, who was standing next to Biana, who looked flushed.

Biana snuck a glance at Tam. At first, she had disliked his cold personality, but as she got to know him more she found a sweet and caring side of him that she hadn't noticed before. Besides being drawn to his personality, she also loved the way that his eyes drew her in. The silver at the tips of his bangs shone, complimenting his dark hair. Tam caught Biana staring at him, and motioned for her to follow him.

"Linh, I'll be right back." Tam quietly whispered to his sister.

"Okay," she replied.

The two walked into the next room. "What is it, Tam?" Biana asked.

Tam took a deep breath. "I think you know, don't you? I'll still tell you. I have liked you ever since Sophie introduced us. You never saw me staring at you, but I thought you were the most beautiful girl that I'd ever seen. When I got to know you better, I realized we had a lot in common, and I started to like you a lot more, once I saw your personality. I mean, we have our differences, but I still really like you."

Tam looked at Biana with such compassion, her heart melted. Shakily, she replied, "Tam, I may have not liked you as long, but I do just as much. I want you to know that when my parents allow me to go out, you'll be my first choice." Quickly, as to not lose courage, Biana stepped forward and kissed Tam.

Where did they go? Fitz transmitted to Sophie worriedly.

Sophie smiled slyly. They'll be fine, don't worry.

I know, but I'm tired and I need to sleep and she's taking forever, he complained lightheartedly.

I'll go check on them, Sophie grinned.

Thank you! Fitz replied.

Walking in the direction that she saw them leave, Sophie turned the corner and heard Tam speaking.

"...most beautiful girl that I'd ever seen. When I got to know you better, I realized we had a lot in common, and I started to like you a lot more, once I saw your personality. I mean, we have our differences, but I still really like you."

Sophie smiled. She never knew that Tam could be so sweet. She heard Biana respond and declare her feelings for Tam, and peeked around the corner to see Biana quickly kiss the boy. Suddenly, she heard Linh calling for Tam, and quickly flung herself into the opposite room as to not be spotted. After she heard Tam's footsteps fade away, she walked into the room where Biana was.

Biana groaned. "Were you there the whole time?" she exclaimed.

"Nah, just long enough to hear you guys confess your undying love for each other," Sophie teased.

Biana smacked Sophie's arm. "We're not in love! Stop making fun of me," she pouted.

"Okay. But seriously, you two are really cute together. I hope your parents let you date him soon," Sophie said.

"Thanks," Biana replied.

"Now. c'mon, let's go back. Your brother wants to go to bed."

wow, i really changed a lot in this chapter. linh is now dating wylie (THEY'RE SO ADORABLE TOGETHER AND I DIDN'T REALIZE IT UNTIL I READ FLASHBACK) and obviously doesn't like fitz anymore, and i deleted the part where dex is moping and talks to linh because,,,he wouldn't be moping since he doesn't like sophie, lol. i also added the little thing between tam and linh and had sophie walk in on tam and biana.

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