TWO | conversations over dinner

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Days later, Edaline was rushing all over the house, frantically trying to clean.

"Sophie, Dex, Grady!  Help me clean!" she demanded.

"Don't worry, Mom, we're getting to it. You don't need to worry, it's only the Vackers that are coming over," Sophie reassured. 

Dex grimaced. "Don't forget Keefe," he reminded. 

Edaline continued to dash around the room. "Well, I still think our house should look presentable. Alden may be our friend, but he is an Emissary!  Plus, Tam and Linh are coming over too."

Sophie laughed with her dad and Dex, but inside, she was scared to death. She planned to tell her friends about the feelings that Fitz and she had for each other, and that was going to be difficult. All too soon, the guests arrived.

"Hey, Foster! Hi, Dex, Grady, and Edaline!" greeted Keefe. He winked at Sophie, which made her blush. I wonder what he'll think of me once I tell him about me and Fitz. He'd probably be the hardest to tell, she thought anxiously, dreading the encounter.

However, all her worries dissipated when the Vackers came through the door. Fitz was standing in the doorway, making Sophie's heart pound when he looked at her. He smiled and strode up to her.

"Hi, Sophie."

"Hey, Fitz." she replied with a smile.

Are you going to tell them about us?  Fitz transmitted to her.

She winced inwardly, thinking of the possible disaster that could follow. Yes, I am, she replied back.

Fitz's expression changed to that of nervousness. Sophie knew what he was thinking, even without using her telepathy. She knew he was thinking about Biana.

As if on cue, Biana strode up and hugged Sophie. "It's been so long since I saw you!"

Sophie replied excitedly, "Yeah! I missed you, Biana! We totally should have a girl's night out!"

"That sounds like a great plan!" the brunette answered. "We can invite Linh too!"

Just then, the doorbell rang.

"It must be Bangs Boy," Keefe grumbled.

Sophie sighed. "I'll answer it." She opened the door and saw Tam and Linh standing there. "Come in! It's good to see you both!" she greeted them.

"Thanks, Sophie. Sorry we're late," said Tam.

She watched him sneak a glance at Biana when she walked in behind Sophie.  Then his cheeks started to redden. Linh caught her eye and snickered quietly. Apparently, Sophie wasn't the only one who noticed his pining.

"Dinnertime!" announced Grady. Keefe was already in a seat, unsurprisingly. Sophie wanted to sit next to Fitz, but Biana sat between them as she was about to sit down. Linh took a seat between Sophie and Keefe.

I wish I was sitting next to you, transmitted Fitz.

Me too.

When do you plan to tell them?

After dinner.

What about dessert?

Oh yeah, we just can't miss Edaline's custard bursts. She saw him smile.

"Am I in the middle of something?" Biana asked. Sophie snapped back to reality--not that she wanted to, she could stare into Fitz's eyes all day. 

"Uh, no," Fitz answered for her.

Thanks, Sophie transmitted.

No problem, he replied.

After pleasant conversations between the adults, Edaline brought in the custard bursts. Sophie had butterflies in her stomach. Only a few delicious bites before she had to tell them. Keefe burped, interrupting her thoughts. 

"Gross!" Biana exclaimed, wrinkling her nose in disgust.  Sophie rolled her eyes, and sighed, as did Linh.  Keefe smiled, seeming very proud of what he accomplished.

Later in the meal, Sophie looked around and saw that all her friends had finished eating. She swallowed nervously, trying to prepare herself.

"Mom, I need to talk to my friends about something, would it be okay if we were excused?"

"Of course dear, is something wrong?"

"No, just something private."

"Okay, but come to us if it gets out of hand."

Sophie led her friends up to her room and shut the door. "I need to tell you guys something."

"What is it?" asked Linh. 

Sophie sighed. "Fitz and I kissed about a week ago." There was a collective gasp in the room, whether from shock or horror, Sophie didn't know. She continued, "I wanted to tell you guys, but I didn't know how you would react." She paused and looked around, trying to gauge her friends' reactions.  Biana looked giddy with delight. Keefe was standing, with no expressions that gave his feelings away. Fitz was standing beside her, holding her hand, squeezing it comfortingly.  Dex looked shocked, and...hurt?

Linh's eyes shone.  "I'm so happy! I knew that this would happen sometime! Tam and I had a bet," Linh confessed, embarrassment coloring her cheeks. Tam looked embarrassed at the ground. Sophie managed a very weak, tentative smile.  

"Keefe, what about you?" Fitz asked.

"I am very happy for you." Keefe smiled.

"Thanks? Um, I kinda thought you liked me." confessed Sophie, confused.

"What? No! I never liked you! Um, wow, that came out wrong...I just mean that I've only ever thought of you as a friend," he clarified. "And, um, there's someone else I like."

"Oh, okay." Sophie laughed in relief. "Who's the lucky girl?"

"'s Linh, actually,"
he confessed, offering a small smile to the girl in question.

"Wait, what?" Linh exclaimed.


"Um...could we go talk somewhere private?" Linh asked quietly.

Keefe agreed, and the two of them went outside, presumably to talk about what had just happened. Of course, Tam followed them a bit later in order to ensure that Keefe didn't do anything. Once they had gone, Dex spoke up, breaking the silence.

"Congratulations, you two."

"You're...okay with this?" Sophie questioned timidly.

Dex shrugged. "Well, I still don't like Fitz all that much, no offense, but if he makes you happy then I have no problem with you two together."

"You don't like me anymore?" Sophie asked, thinking of the time he gave her crush cuffs and when he kissed her.

"Well, I did for a really long time. But I don't anymore, I promise," he said.

"Oh, okay. Thanks, Dex," Sophie replied, pulling her cousin- and best friend!- in for a hug.

okay, so this chapter i didn't change a *whole* lot, but i made dex okay with sophie and fitz's relationship (and no, he hasn't asked her out or asked her to be his girlfriend yet, i just mean that dex is fine with any future stuff happening). hope you guys liked this chapter! don't forget to comment and vote :)

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