FIVE | telling the parents

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  Sitting on her bed, Sophie heard a knock at her door.

"Come in," she yelled.

Edaline stepped in. "Hey, I was just going to let you know that the Vackers are coming for dinner. They'll be here in a few minutes."

"Okay, thanks!" After seeing Edaline leave, Sophie grabbed her Imparter and hailed Fitz.

"Hey, what is it?" he asked.

"Fitz, you know that you're coming over today for dinner, right?" Sophie questioned.

"What?! No, I didn't."

"I didn't know until a few minutes ago, Edaline just told me."

"Well, this might be a good time to tell our parents about us...." he said somewhat sheepishly.

"Wait, so are we really doing this?"

"I think we should."

"Okay-" she began to respond.

Just then, they heard someone yell, "Fitz! Time to go!" Fitz jumped and ran out of his room.

"Well, bye then," Sophie said, talking to empty space. After talking with Fitz, Sophie jumped off her bed and ran downstairs.

A bit later, the doorbell rang. "I'll get it!" Sophie shouted to Edaline. Opening the door, she saw the Vackers standing there.

"Hi," Fitz greeted her.

"Hi," Sophie replied. "Um, do you want to come in?" Sophie asked awkwardly.

"No, I'd rather stand outside for the rest of the night," he deadpanned.

Sophie laughed and led them inside. Biana caught his eye and motioned for him to come back. "Dinner's about to start!" As if on cue, everyone started to sit down. The gnomes brought out the food, setting it on the table. Everyone started eating. Sophie, however, could barely eat anything, she was so nervous. When everyone was done, Sophie stood up.

"Um, hi," she said as everyone's heads turned towards her in confusion.

"Sophie? What is it?" Edaline worried anxiously.

"We have to tell you something." Fitz answered for her. He put an arm around Sophie, a gentle reassurance that he was there for her.

"Fitz? Is something wrong?" Alden inquired.

Sophie jumped in. "No, it's just, um, Fitz and I, kind of, figured out we, um, really really like each other?" Sophie squeaked, blushed furiously.

"You guys what?" Biana asked mischievously.

This time, Fitz answered. "Sophie and I really like each other, and I'd like to ask her to be my girlfriend," he said, turning his attention to Grady and Edaline. "If that's okay with you," he hurriedly added, glancing at his parents who were watching with smiles on their faces.

Grady and Edaline beamed. "I'm so glad you finally decided! Fitz, you would have been my favorite, except Dex is my nephew, so...."

Fitz laughed. "Thank you, Edaline. That means a lot."

"Wait, so what are you saying?" Sophie asked.

"Why, we're trying to give you our permission to date Fitz, of course."

"What?! But I'm not 16 yet!"

"I know most people wait until they get their matchmaking scrolls, but you don't have to."

"Really? I thought I had to!"

Edaline laughed. "No, you don't have to unless you want to."

Fitz stepped forwards. "Wait, so let me get this straight. You, as Sophie's parents, will let me date your daughter?"

Grady smiled, seeing Fitz's incredulous expression. "Yes, that is exactly what we're doing. But, you have to make sure your parents approve first."

"Of course we do!" Della gushed. "We love Sophie! Biana, same rules go for you. If someone asks you out you can say yes, but we have to meet him first."

Biana blushed, but her mind thought of a certain boy, often called Bangs Boy....

Sophie, still not fully understanding what had happened, asked, "Wait, so Fitz and I can really date?"

Della sighed. "Yes, Sophie, you and Fitz can date."

Biana squealed. "Yay! Sophie, I need to take you shopping. I mean, not like I didn't before, but especially now, when you and Fitz are dating!"

Sophie sighed. It seemed like there was no getting out of this one.

wow. that interesting chapter to proof. hopefully it's slightly better now! remember to vote on the various chapters (if you liked them, of course). thanks for reading!

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