EIGHT | makeovers

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After they were done setting up their sleeping gear in Alvar's now-unused room, the gang took a moment to survey their work. The sleeping bags were arranged in a circle order, going clockwise from Biana, Linh, Sophie, Fitz, Keefe, Dex, and then Tam.

"What do you guys want to do?" asked Fitz, ever the hospitable host.

"Well, we could play Tru-" Keefe was interrupted by Biana.

"No! You guys said I could do makeovers! Remember?" asked Biana.

Seeing that there was no escape, the gang glumly agreed to makeovers.

"Yay! So, who wants to go first?" Biana asked excitedly.

After a minute of silence, Biana groaned. "Come on! Fine, I'll chose. Sophie, what about you?" Sophie opened her mouth to argue this 'unfair' turn of events, but at one look from Biana, decided it was useless to argue. Biana squealed happily. "Okay, let's go to my room. Linh, you come too. Everyone else, stay here. I want the final result to be a surprise." Biana half-dragged Sophie to her room, where she sat on a cushioned bench in front of Biana's vanity. Linh plopped onto a beanbag chair next to Sophie.

"Okay, so what color do you want your hair?"

"I actually like my hair the way it is-"

"I do too. So, just curling then?"

"Um, okay."


Biana grabbed a shimmery bottle from her collection on the shelves around the mirror. "Drink," she ordered Sophie. Sophie obediently gulped down the contents. Immediately after drinking the elixir, her hair curled into perfect spirals.

"Whoa. That's cool," Sophie exclaimed to Biana.

"I know, right?" Biana replied. "Now, do you want your hair up or down?"

"Um, down please."
"Aww, couldn't I put up a little?"

"Fine." It was impossible to argue with Biana.

"Yay!" Biana separated a small section of Sophie's hair on the right side, and began twisting it, adding more hair along the way.

"What are you doing?" asked Sophie.

"Oh, it's like a French braid, except instead of a braid, it's a twist." Biana replied.

Soon, she finished with Sophie's hair, and pinned the end with a clip. Looking in the mirror, Sophie admired Biana's handiwork. Turning her head to see the clasp, she saw that it was white gold, with swirls of silver. At the end of each swirl was a red bead, which glittered in the light.

"The clasp is so pretty!" Linh exclaimed.

Thanks," Biana said, happy she liked it.

"Now, can I do your makeup?"

"Sure," Sophie said, pretty much giving up the idea of stopping Biana from giving her a full-blown makeover.

Sophie chose a shimmery pink lipstick, and after much nagging from Biana, agreed to let her do her eyes. The gold and brown chosen for eyeshadow did the job wonderfully, and after a thin line of eyeliner was applied, Sophie pronounced her eyes done. Biana, however, disagreed.

"You still need mascara," she argued.

"No. No mascara," Sophie stubbornly refused, but caved when Linh joined the argument, siding with Biana.

"Oh, fine. You win," Sophie said.

After Sophie did her mascara and blush-Biana insisted, even though Sophie would be blushing enough for all three of them-Biana announced her makeup done.

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