SIX | truth or dare

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 Sophie had just finished getting ready for her morning when Biana hailed her via Imparter. Sophie sighed, and picked it up. Instantly, Biana's very excited face popped up. "Sophie! I thought you would be sleeping!" Sophie smiled, infected by Biana's enthusiasm.

"No, I just got up. What is it?"

"What do you mean, what is it? Do you remember NOTHING about last night?"

Sophie blushed. "Well, yeah, but..."

"But? Your parents just gave you permission to date Fitz, and THIS is how you react?"

"Well, it's not like he asked me out or anything....he might not even want to date me so soon-"


"Whoa, calm down Miss I'm-So-Excited-About-Your-Love-Life. I mean, we're not even 16 yet, and maybe we won't even get on each other's lists..."

"Sophie. When Fitz woke up this morning, he couldn't stop talking about you."

"Seriously? I can't imagine him doing that."

"It was pretty funny. Hey, I'll go get him! Be right back."

"Oh no no no no no no no you don't have to do that-"

While Sophie was frantically trying to stop Biana, who had left the room, Fitz appeared on the screen. "Oh...hi, Fitz." Sophie blushed.

"Hi Sophie! I can't believe our parents said that last night!" the teal-eyed boy said excitedly.

Sophie smiled. "Me neither! I mean, I had kind of guessed Della's reaction, but Edaline was so....excited! I've never seen her like that, ever."

"Yeah, she was pretty animated, wasn't she?"

"She was. I think it was on purpose because she spared Grady from having to talk."

"Alden didn't talk much either. I think they were slightly embarrassed or just wanted their wives to handle the situation."

"I think they were just embarrassed."

"Yeah, me too. Hey, are you doing anything on Saturday?"

"Um, no. Why?"

"I was wondering if, um, you wanted to go to out to dinner with me?"

"Oh, sure! I'd love to."

"Great! Um, what time do you want me to pick you up?"
"I think six in the evening would work, but I'll have to check with Grady and Edaline."

"Okay, great!"

Fitz and Sophie sat in somewhat awkward silence for a minute. Biana, who had been eavesdropping, heard the conversation stop and decided it was time to re-enter the the room. Opening the door, she asked "So, are you guys done?"

Blushing, Sophie replied, "Yeah, why?" Biana smiled impishly.

"Because, I think we should hail Dex, Tam, Linh, and Keefe and start some games, such as Truth or Dare."

Sophie groaned inwardly, dreading the thought of playing Truth or Dare. But, she nodded her head in acceptance, begging with her eyes for Fitz to do the same. Fitz sighed, probably remembering what had happened the last time they played, but seeing Sophie's hopeful face, he caved and nodded. Biana grinned excitedly, and told Sophie to come to Everglen that afternoon. Sophie sighed, and began to pack.

Several hours later, Sophie, Linh, Dex, Tam, and Keefe were at Everglen. Biana, who had been ferociously cleaning her room in preparation, finally came downstairs, along with Fitz. "Who's ready for some Truth or Dare?" she asked. Everyone groaned, but nodded their heads in acceptance. Biana frowned, not happy with their glum expressions. Deciding to ignore the evident lack of enthusiasm, she dragged everyone to her room.

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