Chapter 5

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I woke up with a tingly feeling. I read the clock. 9:47. Wait.....THE BOYS ARE LEAVING TODAY!!! I felt a warm tear run down my face.

I walked out balling. I walked to Luke,Jai,and Beau's room. Beau's a lightER sleeper than the others.

"What's wrong?"He asked sitting up quickly. His voice was cracked. I just wiped away the tears on my cheeks.

He held his arms out for a hug. I ran into them. I guess the boys heard us and woke up.

"Don't leave."I said sobbing into Beau's neck.

We sat on Beaus bed. Which was a king.

Luke layed in front of me. I layed down too. Jai layed behind me & Beau layed behind Jai. Jai pulled the covers up.

I started to calm down. But I knew they were still gonna leave. I fell asleep because I was tired of crying.

A few minutes later, James & Daniel came in. James at my feet, and Daniel in the corner of the bed.


I woke up to find the boys weren't in bed. I panicked. I ran out to the living room. No one. I ran to James & Daniel's room. No. I went to Gina's room. She was fast aleep. I went out side. Nobody was there.

I got on Gina's phone & texted Luke.

"This is Perrie. Where are you guys?"

A few minutes later....



I woke up crying. The boys were still by my side. The clock said 10:32.

I realized Jai's arm was around my waist. I couldn't move.

About 5 minutes later, Luke woke up.

"I want to come to LA with you guys."I said.

Luke looked confused

"I can go to school there. Mariam can be the female figure to help....I gasped. Can you guys adopt me?"I asked.

"I don't see anything bad about it. I want you to come."He said.

"Really?"I said seriously.

"It would be a great expeirience."He said.

"I don't have a passport though."I said.

"I'll text Ronnie. And if everyone agrees, we can go get one real fast."He said getting out his phone and texting Ronnie.

I was mixed with emotions. Excitment mostly but fear also. I don't have perfect clothes and I didn't know who would like me at school.

"What about adopting me?"I asked.

"Well, I don't know about that. But maybe we could work something out."He said.

Then Jai woke up.

"Can you get your arm off of me?"I asked.

"Sorry."He giggled.

Luke got a text.

Ronnie:Luke, we can't just do that. Its a huge responsibility.

All of us were up.

"What do you guys think about taking Per to LA?"Luke asked.

"I think it would be an amazing experience for her."Daniel said.

The boys agreed.

"Boys. We need to talk privatly."Jai said.

I got up and went to the bathroom.

---JAIS POV---

"What's going on?"I asked.

"It would be the best for her. If she stays here, than she's not gonna get her experience she wanted."Luke said.

"That's true."James said. Beau nodded.

"She also asked me.....if we could....adopt her?"Luke said.

We looked at him.

"Mom is almost 50."He added. "Come on. She needs us."

"But there has to be an official father and mother."James said.

"We'll ask Mariam to sign the papers & just give her to us."Skip suggested.

"I'm fine with it. I mean she's not a baby. She can take care for herself when we can't."I said.

"I'll do it."James said.

"Me too."Skip said.

"You guys are freaks. But i'll do it."Beau said.


I walked out of the bathroom & into the boys' room.

Luke got up & left.

"Is there some-"Jai cut me off.

"We might be adopting you."He said.

"Really?"I asked shocked.

We finally got to text Ronnie back.

Us:We're here for her. If we didn't want to take her in, we wouldn't be giving this offer.

Ronnie:Whatever. Mariam said she would be excited to help. Go ahead.

"He said yeah!"Jai yelled.

"Mom said ok."Luke barged in.

"So did Ronnie."Jai said.

We sat there for a moment.

"What are you waiting for? GO PACK!"Luke said excitedly.

I ran to my bedroom.

I packed my good clothes, a beanie Luke gave me, and 2 pairs of shoes besides the ones I'm wearing. Mariam said she would take me shopping.

"Hurry, we still have to go get a passport."Luke said stopping by my room.

The boys had their stuff out in the living room.

I was excited! But i've never been on a plane before:/

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