Chapter Two

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AN:  Hey Larry Shippers!! Sooo Chapter Two is up an Harry is finally introduced in this chapter.  Also, I am going to change perspectives from Louis to Harry several times in this story.  I always let you know by writing POV (Point of View) by their name so you will all know.  Anyways, I hope you enjoy! 

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Friday, July 20th

Louis’ POV

The next morning I woke up to someone knocking on my door.  I picked up my phone off the side table and noticed it was 10:24.  I groaned and walked over lazily to the door and turned the knob.

“Hi, Louis!  Sorry to wake you but my mom made us breakfast.” Hannah said cheerily.

“Oh! That was nice of her I will be out in a minut-” I said while in the middle of closing the door.

Hannah interrupted me though and asked, “ Hey, can I ask you a favor?”

I nodded curiously.

“Erm well, I wanna go out and see my boyfriend today because we haven’t seen each other in weeks.  So, will you pretend to go out on a date with me to go see a movie and hang but really just chill in town for a few hours?”

I noticed the cheeriness to her voice from seconds ago changed to that of nervousness.  I thought about it for a few moments because yeah I did agree with her to do this, but at the same time what was I gonna do in a new city with no friends here and like 4 hours to kill?  I noticed she was getting more and more nervous about asking me as the seconds grew, and I can’t believe I went ahead and said yes finally.  She grinned so big that I thought her face would rip in two.

“Thank-you! I’m planning on leaving at noon and getting back at 4:30.  Lets say we went out and watched some movie at my friend Lauren's house. . erm how about the movie Up, yeah?”, she said all of this so fast it was hard to keep up with.

“Sure.” I said lamely and she thanked me a few more times and left to go get ready having already eaten.

I got dressed in a white shirt with blue nautical stripes and a pair of navy blue skinnies.  When I go to the kitchen I was cornered by my mom.

“Hey Boobear! I heard something from Hannah about you too catching up at Lauren’s today?” she said more as a question than a statement.

“Yeah, we thought it would be fun to hang out again.” I said and smiled at her faking nervousness about her asking to make it seem more like I cared and that it was a bigger deal than I made it off as.  She took the bait and let me eat.  

A few hours later, I left the house with Hannah and she drove me a block down and parked on the side of the street thanked me again and I got out.  She drove off and I was left to the bright sun shining down on my aviators and I had no idea where I was headed.  Well this should be fun.  I figured if I got lost, Hannah would just come find me so that we would arrive home together.  So I just sort of wandered around.  

Eventually though, I was getting hungry and the only place I could find that was near me was some little bakery.  I decided why not I got some cash on me and just standing outside the doors I could smell baking bread.  My stomach growled fiercely at me and I walked inside.  I noticed a curly haired boy was up by the cash register talking to one of his coworkers.  I went ahead and looked around.


Harry’s POV

I was in a pretty good mood this morning because I was finally on summer break and even though I had to work a shift at the bakery today I was still excited.  Plus, I like my job because I am good at it and I like meeting all the people that come in.  I’m a pretty social person so I know almost all of the regulars that come into the store.  

Today, I was talking to Barbara and older lady I work with when I heard the bell chime to indicate we had a customer.  The store had been pretty empty today since everyone was enjoying the break, so naturally I looked to see who it was.

When I looked over though, I saw a brown haired boy walk in alone and start looking around.  I looked back over at Barbara and continued listening to her talk about her grandkids birthday party in a few days, but for some reason I kept looking at this new customer.  I mean it was the first day of break and he is just strolling into a town bakery alone.  

It made me curious so I studied him while half-heartedly listening to Barbara.  She had to go though because the phone rang in the back, and I continued to study him.

Eventually, he chose a small loaf of french bread and grabbed some soft spreadable Swiss cheese.  He walked up cheerily to me with a smile.

“I’d like to get these items please.” He said while fixing his fringe and then he looked up at me.

“Sure thing! Out for an afternoon snack, yeah?” I said trying to start up a conversation like I do with all my customers.

“Yeah, I am new here and sorta couldn’t help but smell the baking bread that lead me here," he said and laughed with a grin. Ohhh so he is new here that explains why i’ve never seen him.

“Well, you chose the right place to go for food I am always snacking on the bread”, I joked back and we exchanged a few more smiles as I finished placing his order.

“So, why are you here in Cheshire?”, I asked curiously.

His smile faltered a bit but then recovered, “Just visiting my mom’s best friend for a few weeks, kinda got dragged along, and decided to go for a walk but am now completely lost.”

I giggle silently at this and said,”Well, I am off in five minutes if you want I can show you around.  I didn’t really have anything planned to do after my shift anyways.”  I’m not sure what possessed me to say that cause I don’t usually just ask to hang out with random customers but somehow it just happened.  

He seemed surprised by my asking but replied saying,”Really? Cause that would be really helpful yeah.”

“Great! Let me just go clock out," I smiled widely back but in my mind I was still confused by my asking him, but some other part of me was kinda excited.  I just went along with it and told Barbara to take care and we left the shop.


AN:  I hope you liked it! :D  I had fun writing their awkwardness hehe :P  So Harry is here?  And Harry offers to show him around, eh?  Let me know what you think below, and as always please. . .

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