Chapter Twenty-Five

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AN:  I am so sorry for such a long wait on this chapter! (even though it has only been less than a week it feels like longer)  I left you all with quite a cliffhanger there and I am sorry!  But now you all get to know what the secret thing Louis found is!  Yey! 

But before we get to all that I wanted to thank-you all for being so supportive and making me smile all the time!  You all make me want to write this and I don't know how to thank-you!  Right now I am at 3,250 reads and about 300+ Votes and Comments individually!  That is just Crazy!!!  I honestly didn't think this would get 100 views let along 3,000!  I just love you all!

*Group hug!!*  Now I will quit talking, go ahead and read it and please as always. .

xXxX Vote, Comment, and Share! XxXx ;D


Louis' POV

(AN:  This just sort of jumps in right where we left off in Harry's bedroom so I tried to add a small recap)

He looks me down and up and then says,"You look better in my clothes than I do!"

"You are just saying that."  I say playfully punching his arm.

"No, i'm not!  Seriously you do, boo bear.", He then gestures to him and his new outfit.

I am not gonna lie the ripped up jeans he is wearing and that tight black shirt is sexy as ever,"Harry you look like sex on legs!"

He just laughs and so do I.  We end up falling onto the ground in a tumbled mess of limbs and laughter.  Once we are done I use the desk to help myself up but a paper slips and fall on top of me.  I look at it trying to figure it out and then it clicks!

Oh. .

I start to aww at the cuteness of it and Harry just snaches it out of my hand, looks at it, before nervously smiling at me.  The paper was of the one I looked at the first time i ever came here.  The one that said my name and that other bit I never got to see cause Harry caught me snooping.  Turns out it said. .

Louis + Harry

. .and then it was outlined many times since I last saw it with hearts.  The rest of the page was filled with lyrics and poems about us.  It was all so sweet I felt my heart flutter in my chest because he wrote this before we even started dating.

"Did you write all of that Harry?", I ask him.

His smile falters for a second but then it goes back,"Yeah.. yeah I did."

"Can you sing me some of the lyrics?", I ask him really hoping he would for me.

He didn't hesitate before saying immediately,"No I-I they aren't even done yet."

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