Chapter Thirty

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AN:  I can't believe this has just hit it's 30th chapter!  There are still a few more chapter left, but we are getting so close!  It is scary!  I wanted to say thank-you for waiting patiently over the last week for this to be updated.  I had to catch up on some Niam One-Shot Requests. 

Soooo the tension is high right now in this chapter because if you don't remember Louis had just got home to a crying worried mess of people with Harry.  A lot is about to happen!  Seriously this was a hard chapter to write cause so much was happening!  Anyways I will let you just read already :P

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Louis’ POV

My mum turned around after hearing the door open before saying,”Oh, thank god you’re safe.  We thought you might have got hit by a car or something and died!  Where the hell were you, Louis!?  You better explain right now before I kill you myself!”

I stepped into the room a bit more the nerves still hitting me full on, and now that I can see my mother’s face just racked with tears, and puffy cheeks, I can’t help but feel the wave of guilt pass over me.  Well maybe not over me, but more like hit my like a truck going 100 miles an hour down a road.  Maybe it would be better if I had been hit by a car at least I wouldn’t have to face all of this.  

A mother that is on complete and utter edge.  A sister who is confused and crying next to Hannah who is now calming down, but she looks a bit angry and is sending me daggers too which I really do deserve with what is about to happen, and Shannon who is holding onto Hannah like she is scared she might lose her any moment from the scare with me.   

God, I am such an idiot!  

How could I do this to them all!?

I was too wrapped up in looking at everyone I hadn’t noticed my my mum speak again,”Well?!”

I felt like a lump in my throat was stopping me from being able to speak so I just kept opening my mouth and closing it like a fish out of water.  My water was gone and can’t breathe.  I need to be able to breathe!  Is it only me or is it getting a little hot in here?  I know I need to say something soon because with each passing second that I don’t, I am only making it ten times worse than it already was.  I started to feel a bit dizzy and lightheaded, the room spinning a bit starting to take me off my balance.  

Harry must have noticed because he made sure to hold my back ever so slightly just to keep me balanced and at that moment I remembered that I’m not alone.  

I have my air.  

I can breathe.

I have Harry here right beside me, and that is all the reassuring I needed to start to form some words,”Uhh well I was at Harry’s house all day an-”

My mum crossed her arms over her middle and looked at me challengingly, using that look only mum’s have,”And that mean’s you couldn’t just send us a text saying ‘Hey mum, I decided to go over to Harry’s house for a bit.  Be home late tonight.’  You couldn’t have called us.  You could have just said anything, Louis!  Anything!  Just so that we knew you were safe!”

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