Chapter Fourteen

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AN:  Sorry about the late update!  Its been like what a whole week!  Crazy hahaha. . Anyways, I will just let you jump right in.  I hope you enjoy this chapter and all so please. .

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Tuesday, July 31st

Louis' POV

I woke up the next morning at 9:27 a.m.  I got up out of my bed and was actually glad that for the first night in what felt like forever I was able to sleep.  I didn't wake up once until now.  I waltzed down to the living room and then diverted my direction to the kitchen when I smelled cooking eggs.  Shannon was by the stove and freaked out a bit when she saw me walk in.  "Gosh, Louis!  You scared me.  You are never up this early."

I laughed a bit at the fact that Hannah also freaked out easily like last night.  Hannah and Shannon always were freakishly alike.  I always wondered if Hannah ever actually had any of her father's characteristics.  After I finished laughing, I said,"Sorry, Shannon, but this smell brought me here."

She flipped and egg and said,"Oh, really?  I have made breakfast every morning you have been here but today it woke you up early and got you out of bed?"

I smiled and said,"Well, I also just slept really well last night and decided to get up earlier today, but the food sure does help."

She laughed and then held out a plate to me with a fork and said,"Alright, then.  Here."

I smiled a thank-you to her and then dove right in with my fork.  Shannon really should become a cook.  She was really good, but anyone was compared to me.  I set my plate down in the sink when I was done and as I walked out of the kitchen.  I found Hannah by the door.  She looked at me and then took my arm out of know where.  She silently drug me up to her room, and shut the door.

I looked around for a second remembering all the fun time we had up here, and how it really didn't change all that much over the years.  Then I looked at Hannah and said,"What's going on?"

She looked over at me nervously and asked,"Well, I found out that Lauren has two more hours to hang out this morning.  I was wondering if you could go get dressed real quick and that maybe you would go hang around town for a bit until the rest of the family leaves the house at noon.  Once they are gone you can just come back and hang at home while I am gone.  I just really want to see her!"

I smiled at her and said,"Sure.  I will just hang out at the park for a bit."  I knew I wasn't really going to do much while she was gone but I couldn't help but say yes to the smile it gave her knowing that I would.

She hugged me like a little kid and said excitedly,"Thankyou! Thankyou! Thankyou!"

I chuckled a bit and then she was ushering me out the door saying,"Now, hurry and go throw on some clothes!  I will meet you outside in ten minutes!"

I laughed a bit more to myself as she shut the door on me and then I hurried down to my room to change.  I didn't really have time to think about what to wear.  So, I just hopped into the shower for a quick second, and dried my hair off with a towel.  I only had five more minutes.  Crap!  I grabbed a pair of my white skinnies, and a plain blue t-shirt with a small front pocket that had a striped pattern.  I rolled up the sleeves a bit and then threw on my blue toms, and a grey beanie over my now semi dry hair.  I ran out to the car, and slid into the passenger seat.

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