Chapter Twelve

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AN:  So nothing happened for the 22nd but the boys won another Brit-Award!  And I must say Harry was freaking hilarious when he said his little speech when receiving it hahaha.  If you haven't seen it I suggest you go to YouTube and look it up.  It is worth it ;)  Anyways...A new chapter!! This one is a bit short but not ever chapter can be long ;P  Hope you enjoy!

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Harry’s POV

After Louis had closed the door, I smiled to myself and all of the things that had happened today.  I started to walk home and as I was walking I found myself remembering the fact that me and Louis are together!  

This morning I didn’t even know if he liked me for sure and now we had kissed multiple times and have even agreed that we wanted to be together.  I mean I knew this was all new and completely weird, believe me, but I was too happy to care.  I mean I was dating Louis!  He was my boyfriend!?  Wow, what a strange word to be put that way.  I kinda liked the way it played on my tongue as I whispered it aloud to myself silently.

When I got home, Gemma was making cookies with her friends in the kitchen and looked over to me.  I must still be in bliss because when she looked her face broke out into a huge grin.  I walked up to my room and when I got inside I did an impromptu happy dance.  I probably looked really dumb, but who cares, no one is around and I am freakin’ happy!  

I never knew a boy could make me feel so good.  I had never felt like this with a girl I had always gone through the typical motions like hold hands, kiss, make-out a bit and all, but they never felt like this.  This felt right, every bit of it felt right.  When I was with them I only felt a small fraction of this that doesn’t even compare.  I didn’t care what that meant or who I was because I just knew I was happy with him.  

My door opened and I immediately stopped dancing and turned around shocked to see Gemma walk in.  

“Sorry, I knocked but you didn’t answer so I-”

I quickly stopped her from explaining and said,”It’s fine.  Come on it.”, with a nice smile.

She walked in and closed the door and said,”So did you go see Louis today?”

My face broke out into a Wide smile at just the motion of his name, and then said,”Yeah, it was great”

She laughed and said,”I could tell you look like your face might rip in half because of how wide you are grinning.  So, what happened?”

I was about to tell her everything when I remembered that I was supposed to keep it a secret for a while.  So instead I said,”Just a min I need to text Louis something really quick before I tell you, okay?”

She nodded and waited while I texted him quickly.

Louis?  I have a quick question?

No answer.  I tried again.

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