Chapter Twenty-Three

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AN: Wow! I just hit 2,500+ views, 275 votes, and 250+ comments! Like how?! I am so just... I don't know a good enough word for it! I am just so happy you all love this story so much!

{FUTURE 2024 UPDATE: I wrote this when I was still very young but now as I'm in my later 20's, I feel weird about having the mature content within this. Not that it's wrong for young people to be intimate, but I don't believe it is right to have it shown here with their young ages. So I've taken those parts out. Sorry if it messes with the story's flow, but I believe it was the right thing to do.}

. . and to reward you. . . .Almost this whole chapter is LARRY SEXY TIME FEELS! It is so long too! This is the first time I have ever written smut so please be constructive and helpful, and let me know what you think! Also if you aren't into the whole Larry sexy time thing I will put "*~*~*~*~*~*" signs before it starts and when it ends so you can still read the story line points that are very important and you can't miss! So don't just skip the chapter!

***Also big news! @YOLIMAR1D Made me a fan made trailer for this story and I would love it if you would watch it on the side and tell me what you think? I think she did a great job! Thank you again! :D xx

Okay soooo yeah! Enjoy ;) ;) ;)

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Harry's POV

I opened my mouth to answer him when I heard the door creak open to find Gemma walked in. We both snapped our eyes over to her to see her eyes widen. Then in one swift movement she averted her eyes to the ground and covered them slightly with her hand.

Even though she would still glance through her fingers every few seconds thought as she spoke,"Bloody hell can I never catch a break with you two!"

I laughed before retorting back,"Well if you didn't just barge in on everything then you wouldn't walk in on us all the time."

Louis giggled nervously underneath me, a bit embarrassed I guess, but I knew my sister wasn't gonna think too much of it.

She looked at us through her fingers before saying,"I was just gonna see if you two lovebirds were still sleeping and to tell you I was going to go out with some friends and would be home in a few hours. I expect you to to behave while I am gone. Mom will be home around six 'cause Robin is busy, but I will be back before she get home."

I trailed my fingers along Louis' side out of her view and I felt Louis squirm a bit and blush, causing me to smirk before saying,"Okay, see you in a few hours."

She nodded and left the room. We both waited until we heard the door shut before Louis said,"Do you think she is gone?"

"Yeah I think she is.", I said moving his hair behind his ear, but proving to be more difficult than I wanted it too because of how ratten and messy it had become.

I saw Louis' cheeks redden again as he said,"About what I said before it was erm stupid and whatever. I am sorry I even said it. I mean you probably aren't ready yet and uhh we don't even have the proper things to do umm it anyways so how about-"

I cut him off though by leaning down and kissing away his nervous ramblings. When I pulled apart I stayed close as I said the only thing I could say,"Lou, I think I am ready too."

I saw his eyes widen a bit shocked that I would agree before then thought of something to stop him,"But we still don't have anything to like umm uhh you know."

I giggled at how innocent he was being with his chest now matching his checks in a blush. I know I am younger than him by a little bit, but I feel like I tend to be more confident with these sort of things than he is.

I giggled down at him, before he slapped my chest and said,"Don't laugh at me!"

This causing me to chuckle even more before saying,"Its hard not to when you act all innocent and adorable. I quite like this view you know?"

He just stared at me before giggling back a bit,"but seriously how would we even-"

"Louis I actually have all the things we need.", I silenced him as I reached over to my top drawer in my beside table bringing out some lube and a condom.

He looked at me in shock before saying,"Where did you get that ? And why do you have it?"

I shuddered at the memory,"Well when I turned 16 my mom thought it would be best if she at least gave me the items to be prepared for whatever I decided to do with my body. So she got me these and I have had them ever since. I never actually thought they would get used until now though."

Louis was silently thinking for a moment before saying,"Oh.."

I looked at him concerned a bit before asking,"Are you sure you still want to do this? I mean if you aren't ready we can wait or whatever an-"

I was then cut of by Lou pulling his face down to mine and full on kissing me. I was shocked for a second before he said between kisses," You have. . No. . Idea how. . .Rea..dy I. . Am. .Hazzz"


{FUTURE 2024 UPDATE: I wrote this when I was still very young but now as I'm in my later 20's, I feel weird about having the mature content within this. Not that it's wrong for young people to be intimate, but I don't believe it is right to have it shown here with their young ages. So I've taken those parts out. Sorry if it messes with the story's flow, but I believe it was the right thing to do.}


Louis' POV

We both stayed there like that for several minutes trying to catch our breaths before Harry managed to find enough energy to look at me. We just stared into each others eyes saying everything we were feeling, and before I even could think about what I said I said,"I love you, Harry."

Three simple words but I had no idea how he was going to react. I didn't even know I was going to say that at all. I didn't even know that I had even felt that way until I said it actually. But no that I think about it, I guess I kinda do. I look up at him to see he is looked at me in a bit of a shock.

Sh*t Sh*t Sh*t!!

I wasn't supposed to freak him out and ruin our moment! What am I supposed to do now?! F*cking bloody d*mn sh*t!!? I am such a bloody d*mn idiot!

I watch as he opens and closes his mouth several times with nothing coming out. I am about to try to apologize when he finally speaks up and when he does I can't believe my ears. . .


AN: WhoooEee *fans self* That was intense!? So what is Harry gonna say hum? And Louis is in love with Harry?! What!? Also I guess Gemma just has really bad timing?? What did you all think humm?

Was it good and all you ever hoped for and was worth the wait or was it the worst smut you have ever read?? Let me know! I surprisingly actually had fun writing this sooo that was a shocker and a bit weird? o.O?

Please with LARRY ON TOP!! ;)

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Love you all you crazy Larry lovers!

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