Chapter Ten

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AN: Hey my peeps!  Gotcha a new chapter here!  Harry is coming over for their "date" at Shannon's.  Woo hoo!  ;D  Also, sorry this chapter is a bit short, but I will make up for it in the next one don't worry ;P 

So please without peas. . 

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Sunday, July 29th

Louis’ POV

I woke up this morning feeling more exhausted than when I went to bed.  All, night I kept walking up to thoughts of Harry, and the almost kiss, and the way his hands felt in my hair.  I probably only got about 3 hours of sleep.  Glancing over at the alarm clock on my bed side table I saw it flash at me the time 11:43.  I wasn’t surprised seeing as the last time I looked at the clock was at 11.  I growled inwardly, and huffed out a massive sigh.  Why, Harry won’t you let me sleep?!  I rolled over and sort of half fell half slid of my bed and onto my feet, deciding to just give up and go get some breakfast.  I threw on a pair of gray sweat pants, and a white tee.  

I headed downstairs to find my mum in the kitchen talking to Shannon.  They both looked over at me when I walked in and smiled.  

My mum walked over to me and gave me a small side hug and teased,”Looks like boo bear finally decided to leave the den?”

I groaned and then looked for a bowl to eat cereal in.  Shannon giggled at my moms joke, but then reached out to stop me from opening the cupboard saying,”Ahh ahh ahh.  I made waffles this morning and left your two in the fridge.  All you have to do is heat them up.”

I smiled and mumbled a thank-you to her and then she ruffled my hair, saying,”Don’t mention it.”

I grabbed them out of the fridge and as I was heating them up I could hear Shannon and my mum having a small private conversation.  I knew they were talking about me or they would just talk freely.  As, I reached out to take the now very hot waffles out of the microwave my mum cleared her throat and said,”So, I see things are going well with you and Hannah.”

I knew she said this more as a question to get me to talk about us, and to be honest I kinda forgot for a moment about us pretending to be a couple, but then said,”Yeah!  Things are going really well.”

I turned to face my mum and then Hannah walked in, and my mum smiled to her and said,”Louis has just been telling me that you two are really getting close.”  I smiled to myself because I never said that really.  

Hannah smiled at my mom and said while walking over to me,”Oh yeah!  Lou and I have really been connecting!”  She said this with a very cheerful voice and I tried to match it by smiling widely.  She wrapped her arms around me and I held her tight.  The thing was Shannon and my mum were looking at us as a couple but me and Hannah were hugging like best friends.  Its kinda funny how easy it is to mistake the two.  

I let go of Hannah and told the lot that I was gonna go eat my food before it got cold and left Hannah in the hot seat to answer all of their prying questions.  I kinda felt bad for leaving, but Hannah had to keep the secret alive too.  

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