Chapter Thirty-Four

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AN:  Hello!  Sorry I have been gone a little over a week!  The Forth of July, some Birthdays and some to come, all happened, and whenever I had time to write I was to tired or had writers block.  But today I had time and whipped this up since I was in a great mood, and let me tell you I really missed writing in Harry's POV!! 

Also Thank-you all so much!  I am at like 6,400 and some reads. . . that is crazy!  I seriously never thought anyone would read this but you all seem to love it somehow, and it boggles my mind!?  So I hope you enjoy this and please. . 

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Harry’s POV

I know I said that I would just be working for the three days Louis had left in town before he moved in with us, and that he would just be bored here anyways.  I said he would be fine and that he wouldn’t miss me all that much.  That we would just deal and he shouldn’t worry about it.  That he needs to spend some time with his family a bit, and so do I.

I mean it was only three days, right?  

Three easy, normal, boring days of my life, right?


Well let me just tell you how much a load of sh*t that was.

I got home that night and all I could think about was Louis.

My friend. .

My crush…

My boyfriend. .

The boy that took my heart. .

The boy about to move in with me. .

The boy I love. .


That night I ended up texting him because I couldn't take not letting him know who much he means to me.  He is just so special to me, and I seriously can’t believe we pulled all that off.

I mean how freaking lucky are we?!

We told both of our parents on the same day, and they weren’t even disappointed, or revolted.  There might have been a small hiccup with Louis’ mum, but nothing we couldn’t sort out, and they are both closer because if it.  The best bit is neither of us ended up getting kicked out.  

Well, Louis sort of did get “kicked” out, but in a positive way, haha.

Because now he gets to live with me!?

Seriously like how does the world even work like that?

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