I'd Change For You...(Marcel)

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Marcel's POV

Call me what you want.

•Geek •Nerd •Computer Geek •Freak.

A lot of people fit me into all of the categories. Ok so I say a lot. I mean the whole 6th form.

Us 'geeks' are not that weird as you think. If anything I think we can be kind but its the more...popular that classify us strange and Freaks.

Now, I walk into class and there, in front of my very eyes, is Lily Seabright. The most un-geeky, un-weird girl I've ever met or seen. In other words:

Popular. The ones who don't go near people like me. Of course she's chatting to her best friend Rachel. The teacher suddenly clears her throat, obviously waiting for me to take a seat. I flush red a bit and quickly take my seat, 2 seats away, from Lily. Rachel sees me and raises her eyebrow before Charlotte sniggers. I look away and try and concentrate on the teacher instead.

"a equals 3 because..." She drones on. Normally I'm not this distracted or get bored. Something is wrong with me. I pick up my pencil and start doing equations instead. I see Lily suddenly turn towards me out of the corner of my eye. I look up and our eyes meet for a split second before Charlotte starts talking to her about Jamie.

"Have you seen him lately?! I mean like the way he looks at you it's obvious how into you he is" she chatters on.

"Yeah but I told him I'm not interested already" Lily replies yawning. "He's just not the one"

"Your crazy. I'd go out with him in a heartbeat!" Rachel fills in.

I sigh, the moment gone. Jamie. Enemy. Most likely to be a footballer. Good looking. No glasses. Defiantly not a geek. Talking of Jamie...look who's by my locker...

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