Chapter 10

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Lily's POV

I grab Marcels hand and drag him in. He looks a bit shocked but I just laugh.

"I can't wait for you to meet everyone! Well you've already met Chloe" I gush, pulling him into the kitchen. My mum hears us crash in (me bumping into the door, accidentally taking Marcel with me) and turns around, smiling.

"Mum this is Marcel!" I buzz gesturing at him.

"Hello Mrs Seabright" Marcel says shyly,"Its a pleasure to meet you"

"You too Marcel. Please call me Jo. So you guys going to practise?" She asks going back to making pasta.

"Yup!" I reply,"We'll be down for dinner!" And that said I set off again. Once we're at the top of the stairs I slow down.

"Your mum is really nice" he smiles at me. I beam back giggling.

"Only cus we have you round"

"Your sister didnt seem pleased with me" Marcel grins gaining more confidence by the minute. My giggle turns into a laugh.

"Oh don't worry bout her! She isn't really pleased with anyone" he joins in the laughter.

"Well we should get to work!" He finally exclaims sitting down at my piano. He starts playing All Of Me by John Legend. Just like before I stare at him in shock and awe. I start singing along and soon after Marcel starts singing Isn't She Lovely. By the end we came up with a whole new remix! We loads before heading down to dinner.

Marcel's POV

We came up with a John Legend/ Stevie Wonder remix. Lily is beautiful and her voice just as stunning. By 6:30 we've finished practice and are sitting at the table along with Lily's family.

"So Marcel" her dad starts. According to Lily he's home early. In the past five minutes I learnt that her dad was called Rob and worked as a policeman," What have you and Lily been working on?"

I take a bit of my pasta before replying with all the confidence I could muster,"We came up with a remix" all eyes are on me with interest. I've never had that look before. Only weird or sympathetic looks were the ones I received. The poor-guy-who's-bullied-and-has-no-friends look.

"It's a All Of Me and Isn't She Lovely remix!" Lily grins with enthusiasm.

"Wow. Two big stars and one song" Jo smiles. I smile back shyly. We all finish the pasta and talk about all sorts. Lily's parents are actually interested in me and didn't give me the look, even when Lily and I explained my school life. After a while I get up.

"Well thank you for having me" I say shaking Rob's hand and giving polite smiles to Chloe and Jo.

"Lily would you like to show our guest out?" Jo asks and Lily nods and smiles, taking my hand and leading me to the hallway. I was surprised by the gesture. By the door we both blush and smile at each other.

"So-o I'll see you around school?" I ask getting my car keys out.

"Yeah.." She replies. Without realising we both start leaning in.

"LILY!" Her sister screeches from inside,"WHAT HAVE YOU DONE WITH MY MAKEUP?!"

"Oh um I'd better go then" She blushes again and tucks a stray strand of hair behind her ear. I nod and smile turning towards my car.

"Bye!" I call once up inside.

"Later!" Lily waves beaming. I pull out, take one last look at the house - and swear to God I just saw Jamie dart out of a bush and sprint down the road.

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⏰ Last updated: May 22, 2014 ⏰

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