Chapter 4

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Lily's POV

Charlotte and Rachel break the silence by bursting out laughing. But I give them looks that make them stop. Jamie is completely furious! Serves him right I think.

"Good luck lil" Charlotte fake smiles going off to a practise room with Honey.

"She's just jealous, I think, cause she didn't get a boy as a partner even if it is Marcel," Rachel smiles warmly at me.

"Thanks Rach" I smile back hugging her.

"No prob!" I watch her go to Matt and they immediately hit off. I smile and she waves at me before taking his hand and walking off. Marcel eventually gets up and comes wearily towards me.

"So I guess we have the music room to ourselves" he says nervously, rubbing the back of his neck. I sigh.

"Yep. We'd better get to work" I say trying to be friendly. His nerves seem to fade a bit.

"So what can you play? Like any instruments?" I ask.

"I can only sing and a bit of piano..and but both aren't that good.."he says sadly.

"I'm sure your brilliant! I can play guitar. Lets try it" I smile picking up an acoustic. I start strumming. Marcel starts singing 'Isn't She Lovely'. My mouth opens in shock but I keep playing. He blushes at my reaction.

Rachel's POV

Matt and I have already started on our project and decided on a tune that we were gonna change a little.

"Right lets try 'Trumpets' again just to get the tune right" Matt smiles at me. Ok so he is pretty hot. And not as horrible as Jamie. Who, yes I admit, is mean but handsome! I nod eagerly.

"Hm I wonder how Lily and Marcel are going.." I wonder out loud. Matt laughs.

"I don't get why Jamie hates him" Matt sighs. I give him a look.

"Oh, yeah the whole Lily thing. Got he got really made after her remark though" I smile.

"Ok so are we doing this thing or not?" I laugh after a short silence. He laughs along and we start our rehearsals.

Charlotte's POV

I groan loudly.

"Honey, for the last time! Your doing the chorus only!" I yell. She hangs her head in shame. I start to feel a bit guilty.

"Oh I'm sorry." I say wrapping my arm around her shoulders,"i forget that your so shy and struggle to do things sometimes"

"It's ok" she whispers. I smile kindly.

"How bout you do the first verse with me. It might make things easier for you. Both of us even" I suggests getting up and straightening my top.

"Sounds good" she smiles back at me.

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