Days without light Part 2

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Mary (P.O.V)

"So Seige how long did you know about this place?" I waited for a couple seconds and thought [Wouldn't he have answered by now] i waited for a response but after a minute or two I turned around only to see that Seige was on the ground bleeding from his head it didn't seem like he was conscious at all his eyes looked like they were rolled into the back of his head and in a panic I rushed over to him I didn't know what to do sure I was a nurse before the outbreak but still I had only one idea to help with and that would be to clot the blood with fabric or a rag. Since there wasn't anything else around for me to use I tore off a piece of fabric from the bottom of my shirt, balled it up, and then put it on his head little did I know that it would actually help. After a couple minutes of holding it on his head I took it off to see if he was bleeding any more than he already was but the bleeding had stopped so in a sigh of relief I lay back and relaxed for a moment.

I laid down an relaxed for a couple minutes looking at the surroundings there was light but I still didn't feel safe down here I waited for what felt like ages until I heard Seige moving around as I looked towards him I said "Seige are you oka-" before I could finish what I was saying I saw a small creature that looked like a goblin but had long nails an long arms an looked like it's skin was stretched enough to where you could see every bone, it was on Seige looking at me it's mouth had drool coming out of it standing still like it was waiting for me to look away. As I went to get up the creature inched towards me it's mouth still letting drool flow from it I never took my eye off of the creature slowly getting up as I kept staring at it. My eyes eventually left the creature an I looked at Seige who had sat up by now an was staring at the creature as well, I fixed my eyes back on the creature an fully stood up as I did so the creature moved closer an as it did Seige grabbed hold of the creature an held its head as it squirmed he made no emotion known an twisted it's head to the side snapping its neck.

"Are you ok Mary" I looked at him blankly from what I had just witnessed "y-yes I'm ok I'm just g-glad your ok." I kept looking at him an back at the creature I couldn't stand looking at it, it just made me want to throw up I thought "how could this thing make it down here alive with nothing to eat?" Seige kept looking at me but I hadn't noticed I was to focused on the creature I couldn't take my eye off of it until Seige had came up from behind me an put his hand on my shoulder "are you sure your ok?" Eventually I turned my head looking at him for a moment or what felt like minutes until I finely told him that I was ok an with a little reassurance he took his hand off my shoulder an nodded "what do we do now Seige?" He kept walking motioning me to follow him "Just follow me for now soon I'll be able to explain what all this down here is" I began following Seige without questioning why or for how long but while I was following him I just kept looking around at the environment around us there had been a nice stream of sunlight coming in an grass, trees, an even small insects were living down here it was like an underground growing environment that I believe none of us knew but Seige an he kept walking around like he knew the whole area an what it secrets it held either way I'd follow him he seemed like he knew the place an like he was confident in where he was going so I trusted him all I knew is that it was a beautiful place an I kept thinking an wondering if it would hold many surprises that even Seige wouldn't know about.

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