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December 23, 2029

I was walking around Redwires looking for things to get my son, Johnathan for Christmas he is only 5 so I wanted to get him as many things as I could for him, I just love that face he gets when he sees all his presents. I also needed find things for my wife Sierra, I found her a necklace with chocolate diamonds and purple and red beads. I was in the aisle to check out and I started to hear people yell, scream and run around I was confused but I kept on with trying to check out not paying no mind to it. As I was waiting someone grabbed my shoulder I didnt look behind at the person but I could tell it was a man after he started talking to me he told me to hurry up and leave and stay far away from people who are acting strange, I got a weird feeling in my gut and as I turned around to look at him I saw there was a huge chunk of meat and skin gone from his shoulder and he was bleeding badly. He told me not to help him or try to its too late just hurry and get away from here.

Without hesitation I left the store as fast as I could and got into my car. I drove as fast as I was able to so I could get home, as I was driving and started to notice what all was going on around me, as I looked out of the window of my car I saw people chasing after, attacking, and trying to bite or scratch other people. I saw one person who was acting strange started sprinting towards my car and attempted to jump on it. As he attempted to I pushed the pedal down and got away from it.

I finally got to the neighborhood where I lived, as I was driving towards my house I saw blood on the streets, houses, windows, and some doors looked kicked in. I got out of the car instead of continuing to drive, the feeling in my gut got worse and as I came up to my house the door was wide open, I went to walk in but what I saw terrified and shocked me, Sierra had been eating away at Johnathan like she had no care at all of doing it or had any bad feelings towards doing it. I couldn't move at all the only thing I could manage to get out was "w...why". However I said it loud enough for her to hear me, she looked up and as soon as she saw me she jumped up and started to run to me and tried to bite me. I kept pushing her away and keeping her from biting or scratching me.

I eventually got tired of trying to run so I grabbed a glass vase and broke it over her head she fell to the floor but It didnt stop her she jumped right back up and started to stare at me, I couldn't move for some reason and I felt as if I just wanted to die when i looked past her an saw Jonathan. She began to move towards me then heard the sound of a gunshot and she dropped to the ground and what was behind her stood a tall lanky man with a pistol in his hand he said "hurry up and come with me", I stood there puzzled and told him to leave me here to die and he told me he wouldn't do that nor allow that. After what seemed like an hour of him trying to convince me I gave in and followed him.

We eventually came across an old worn down house that even had mold growing on the outside of the house and he told me "this is where we will be taking shelter for now". I didn't try to argue or try to talk about the house I just went along with it. I went inside and looked around there was no furniture just five separate beds. I saw stairs and I went up them so I could see how good this place was for a shelter, as I got upstairs there were three rooms one room had a window that was pointed out in the same direction of the door, what caught my eye was the mounted machine gun that was resting on the window.

After I saw all I wanted to see from that room I walked to another room and in the second room was food, water, guns, and ammunition. I left the room without any thought at all, I walked towards the third room and went to open the door but the door wouldn't budge. I didnt question why it was locked I headed back downstairs. The man that came to my aid appeared at the bottom of the steps, he said "I havent properly introduced myself have I". I replied "No", he took a breath and waited for what felt like minutes and finally said "My name is Seige". I had a feeling this was all I was going to learn of the mysterious man.

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