Clinging For Life

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I got to the front of the store but my vision began to go bad I could barely see my hands or my feet. I tried walking but I could barely move, I sat down to try and rest it didnt help to much I kept trying to breathe, with each breath I took my vision darkened I felt as if I was losing and as if my mind was playing tricks on me. I saw Seige running towards me but I couldn't keep my eyes open much longer and my eyes shut.

I woke up but I was in the same spot that I had sat down at I didn't see Seige anywhere I wondered why because it was almost dark time. I got up eventually and began to limp to the area the jewelry store was, I got to one part of the town where there was a horde of the creatures I named {Spikers}.

They were walking around the area i needed to cross throught so I limped and took a back alley to pass by them. I tool me a while but I got to the end of the alley and got to the jewelry store I walked up to the door, felt the knob and it was unlocked I opened the door and Seige was standing away from the door pointing a gun in my direction until he saw it was me then he lowered bis gun "Well ill be damned its you....Holy hell are you ok? You're bleeding badly from your head!!" I slowly blinked and said "I'll be fine im sure of it" he looked at me with concern then we both heard a heavy roar and we both saw the creature bust through the door

Holy hell are you ok? You're bleeding badly from your head!!" I slowly blinked and said "I'll be fine im sure of it" he looked at me with concern then we both heard a heavy roar and we both saw the creature bust through the door

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It was the one I thought I killed the one I thought was laying dead before my feet it was actually alive and breathe. It stared me down then burst into a sprint to me but I got pushed out of the was and cracked my head off one of the jewelry cabinets I push myself to get up and it started charging for me again I didn't have enough time to react and It ran into me sending me flying into another cabinet. Seige shit at it in the back and it just turned around swung its arm amd smacked him making him fall back stunned I was already up while it was focused on Seige. "Hey you ugly inbred looking son of a bitch im right here!" It turned around looked at me for a moment then went to charge me I rolled out of they way as it crashed into the wall and fell back."Are you really that easy to bring down", Seige got up after a minute, "Come on you distract it for a couple minutes so I can get my sights on him" I did as he said amd made it crash into the walls a couple times until Seige yelled,"IM READY HURRY UP AND MOVE OUT OF THE WAY!!" I looked at him nodded and rolled out of the way and he shot it in the head as it fell back I grabbed his gun limped over to it and shot it in the head a couple more times to make sure it was dead.

We were ready to leave the jewelry store when we started hearing running around the outside of the store I told Seige "Lets go through the back maybe we can slide by anything thats outside" he gave me a nod of approval and we headed out the back after we found the door. We were outside and to our surprise there where people out there waiting for us with guns pointed at us they asked us "Why are you here? How did you take down that creature?", Seige explained to them that we weren't hostile unless they were, that we were only looking for supplies to survive. After he explained that they lowered their guns and asked him how he was able to defeat the creature but he said, "Ask this man right here he did it all." They looked to me with confused and stunned, I told them "First you want to be far away from it and dont let it get ahold of you. Take out its legs and if you cant do that you can stun it by causing it to crash into things once its gaurd is down you can shoot it in the head to take it out but to make sure its fully dead shoot it a couple more timesbor smash it's head more" they said thank you for the information and said they'd be on their way now. Seige and I proceeded to head back to the shelter i was still limping however an bleeding. We got there within what felt like hours, when Carrie and mary saw us they ran to tte both of us worried and trying to help as best they could. By the next day we were walking around like nothing happened feeling healthy except for the constant headaches that would pop up out of nowhere.

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