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"Seige did you have a family sorry to ask I know you don't really want to talk about yourself much but did you?", "Ill tell you about it another time axle" and gave me a glare that made me want to shut up. As we continued to keep searching the town house after house, store after store all we could find was a case or water and a few pounds of canned goods, we had almost checked all over the town but we still had a neighborhood to uncover.

We got to the neighborhood quicker than I'd thought we would, we cleared out five of the six houses. We got to the sixth house amd we were clearing it out until we saw what looked like a wardrobe with hinges on it upstairs. I told Seige I would look into and check the wardrobe he said, "Ok ill check the rest of the house for anything else out of the ordinary". I pushed on the back of the wardrobe and it opened up I looked into the area behind the wardrobe and it was actually well lit and had a window in the ceiling allowing light to come in I stepped into the secluded room and as soon as I did I heard a womans voice, "who are you? Why are you here? Please dont hurt me." I said back in a confronting amd reassuring tone" its ok I dont plan on hurting you I promise. Do you need food or water?" She said back,"No I have food and water but I feel like im not safe here." We both were quite for what felt like ten to twenty minutes then she finally spoke up," My name is Carrie.....whats yours?", "My name is Axle and its nice to meet you", and gave her a smile and she smiled back. I sat down in front of her and went to say something but I heard Seige yell for me.

"Come on get the lead out Axle I found another secret door downstairs it looks like it leads to a celler I told him I'd be down there in a minute I asked Carrie if she wanted to come with me and she said she did so we both walked out of the room. We got downstairs and I spotted Seige he was in the kitchen and was looking around for anything, when he saw me he pointed to a floor door underneath a glass cabinet and asked me to help him move it. He didn't see Carrie or notice her, we got the cabinet pushed to the side and we opened the floor door.

Seige was the first to set foot down in the room the door led to. I heard the sound of another woman she was going on about not hurting her and that she was very hungry so Seige told her she could come back with us. She told him that she is in his debt, he told her that he knows that she does. For some reason he picked her up and carried her up the stairs then set her on her feet. After we finished searching the house it was almost dark, Seige told us to hurry up so we can start heading back because it isnt good when its night time, so we started to head back nightfall was coming, it was getting dark every second we all felt fine while we were walking back until we heard a strange screaming sound that didnt sound human it scared even Seige and he said hurry up and start running. The screaching kept getting closer and closer no matter how fast we were running we were almost to the shelter when we started hear footsteps out of curiosity and fear I looked back only to see this sprinting towards us.

 The screaching kept getting closer and closer no matter how fast we were running we were almost to the shelter when we started hear footsteps out of curiosity and fear I looked back only to see this sprinting towards us

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Seige was the first to reach the house and he ran straight upstairs Carrie was the second, the other girl was the third to make it to the shelter I however was last because I wanted to make sure Carrie got there safe. As I ran up to the door I saw Seige start walking out with a sniper rifle I stepped to the side, he aimed down the sight didnt hesitate for a second and fired. I looked at the creature and it fell backwards. We all let out a sigh of relief because we had killed it but to our surprise it sat straight up and let out a scream after it did we heard the same sound coming from all directions. When we heard it Seige let out a yell saying "SON OF A BITCH!"

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