Chapter One

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"Brooke let's go, our flight isn't going to wait for us because you have to make sure your hair looks perfect"

"I'm coming, sorry." Brooke called while quickly making her way down the long stairwell of her house. Her two bags of luggage trailed behind her and a hefty carry-on purse hung off her shoulder.

"Babe, we're only going away for a week. You don't need that much stuff" He laughed and smiled at the sight of his girlfriend.

"Oh yeah. Well, if I open my suitcases again, we'll never make our flight so you're just gonna have to deal with all of my stuff" she giggled and laughed, exposing her dimples.

"Brooke Davis, never failing to amuse me." He leaned in and placed his lips on hers. She began to reciprocate the kiss, dropping her bags on the ground and wrapping her arms around him.

Just as she starts to part his lips with her tongue, she pulls away and smirks. "Okay let's get going, we don't want to miss our flight!"

Lucas groaned and kissed her forehead before grabbing her luggage and loading the car.

The pull up to the small airport's entrance and Lucas yanks all her luggage out of the trunk. They rush through check in and security before boarding the plane and plopping down in their seats.

Brooke let out a breath of exhaustion from all of the rushing and Lucas glanced in her direction. "I'm so excited, Pretty Girl. A whole week on an island in the Bahamas with my beautiful girlfriend."

She nodded and smiled before laying her head on his chest and closing her eyes. She was ready to get away from all the drama and trouble her and Luke had been through in Tree Hill between him with Peyton last year and when she slept with Chris Keller.

"I am the luckiest girl in the world, you know that? I love you Luke. So much"

"I love you too, Brooke Davis."


"This hotel is beautiful, I'm excited to see our room and our bed that I get to spend every night with you in." Brooke proclaimed with an eager smile.

They kissed again then went in the elevator up to their floor. When they arrived, Lucas put the key in the slot and pushed open the door. The suite had a canopy hanging over the large bed. The shower was easily built for two and the balcony had a jacuzzi and a beautiful view of the ocean.

"Luke, its perfect! I love it!"

"Only the best for you, Brooke. So what do you want to do first? Go grab some food, try out the hot tub, walk around, check out the bar, go to the pool, go to the beach?"

"First I want to do this" she smiled at him before pushing him onto the bed. She took off his shirt in one swift motion before removing her own then straddled him. She felt his dick grow hard immediately against her core. He kissed her neck while she unbuttoned her pants. Then he unbuttoned his and pulled both of theirs off. They laid down next to each other and he rolled on top of her and began making out with her and rubbing the inside of her thigh. She breathed lightly and he slowly slid her red thong down off her long, toned legs. 

He nibbled on her earlobe then trailed kisses down her neck, then her collarbone, then made a slow trail down her chest and stomach. When he got to the end of her stomach he kissed her inner thigh then looked at her. Her head was tilted back, her eyes shut and she was enjoying every second his mouth was on her body. Then he smiled and made his way back up. When he got to her mouth he stopped.

"You're a tease, Lucas Scott. And you're gonna pay for it."

"Oh am I? I'd love to see you try." He laughed and then kissed her lips and sucked lightly on her lower lip.

I Can't Lose You Again, Not Like This [Brucas]Where stories live. Discover now