Chapter Three

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"I think that's everything, check under the beds to make sure we didn't forget anything." He requested and she nodded then bent over to check. He snuck up behind her and rubbed up her thigh. She jumped at the sudden touch.

"Luke, if we do this now we'll miss our flight back home." She sadly informed her boyfriend with a frown because she knew she'd rather have sex one last time on vacation instead of going home and knowing it was over.

"I'm willing to take that risk, we can always book a different flight later today." He smiled and continued by picking her up and throwing her on the bed laughing. He lifted off her shirt and laid her down under him then bent down to kiss her neck and nibble on her earlobe. Then he made a trail to her reddened lips and was welcomed by her open mouth aggressively wanting his tongue inside of it. He rolled them over and she straddled him and took off his shirt. Then she kissed down over his warm abs and trailed her tongue down toward his pants. When she got there she unbuttoned them quickly and pulled them down, followed by his boxers. She kissed his thighs and all around his hard dick that was waiting to feel her warm mouth around it. Then it happened, and he laid his head back in bliss. She smiled and continued until he finished. Then he took off her pants and returned the favor after a lot of teasing. Once she begged, he ate her out until her body lost control. Then he kissed up her body to her lips and entered her as her moans grew louder.

"Boyfriend, I loved this week. It was amazing, thanks for this"

"Anything for you, Pretty Girl. I had fun too, we should do this again soon because I will take any opportunity to be with you and sleep next to you. That was honestly my favorite part, waking up seeing your beautiful face sleeping and your warm body cuddled up against me. Well, I liked the sex too." He laughed and she kissed him and laid on his shoulder.

"Are we almost home? I hate flying for this long" She complained and he smiled.

"I know, I think we should be landing soon actually."

Brooke felt a shake in the plane and looked up at Lucas, he could tell she was scared.

"Luke what's happening?" Brooke asked nervously as she felt the aggressive turbulence.

"I'm sure it's nothing babe, don't worry." He assured her.

"Attention passengers, we are experiencing some turbulence as a result of high winds around Tree Hill airport. We will be landing shortly, but please be aware that the plane will be a little shaky so remain seated and return your seats to upright position and fasten your seat belts. Thank you." The voice from the speakers said in a firm tone.

"See, everything is going to be fine. We're almost home." He smiled and she nodded.

The plane pulled into the airport, but right before they landed the plane shook sharply to the right and Luke's head slammed into the window. He grabbed his head and looked at Brooke. He pulled his hand away and saw the blood on his fingers.

"Luke, oh my god. Your head... Are you okay?" She panicked.

"Yeah, i'm just a little dizzy from the impact, I'll be fine." They got off the plane and went to baggage pickup. After they grabbed their luggage, they went to find a taxi to drive them home. They got into the car and she laid on his shoulder and he kissed her cheek. Then he blacked out.

I Can't Lose You Again, Not Like This [Brucas]Where stories live. Discover now