Chapter Seven

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They both got ready for bed. Luke wore a wife beater and boxers and lent Brooke a pair of his pajama pants and she wore a black laced tank top that was underneath her shirt before. They both brushed their teeth and then hopped into Luke's bed.

"Are you sure you don't want me to sleep somewhere else?" She asked again, for the third time.

"Yes Brooke, I'm sure I want you to sleep right next to me. So get in bed already and stop worrying that I'm going to murder you or rape you in your sleep." He laughed. She laughed too, but only because if they did have sex, it definitely wouldn't be rape. She'd definitely want it too.

"Okay, but I'm trusting you mister!" She laughed and pointed in his direction with a smile and he admired her face again. Truthfully, he wanted her to sleep with him only because he was intrigued by her and was curious what it would feel like to wake up next to her and to feel her warmth next to him. He knew it was wrong because of Peyton, but he didn't care. He knew right after she kissed him at the Rivercourt that day that he had feelings for her and found something about her exciting that made his stomach flip when he was around her. They got into the bed and he pulled the covers up over them. Then his hand accidentally slid over her warm stomach and the feeling of his cold hands made Brooke jump.

"Sorry! Oh wow, I didn't mean to touch you." He said, nervous she didn't want him touching her.

She laughed, "It's okay, your hands were just cold." She told him.

"Oh okay, sorry again. I'm really sorry. I really am. Brooke, wow I didn't mean to. I'll go sleep on the couch."

"Luke, shut up. Stop apologizing. Truthfully, I liked it. It feels good to be touched, its comforting."

"Oh, so you're one of those girls that likes to cuddle and be rubbed." He giggled.

"Well, yes. Actually, I enjoy it a lot."

He rubbed his hands together to warm them up without her noticing then slipped his hand under the covers and made his way back to the bare strip of her stomach where her shirt ended. She felt a chill go down her body at the feel of his touch against her soft skin. He laughed and continued rubbing lightly across her stomach. She smiled at him and he lifted up her shirt a little bit higher to rub more of her skin. She closed her eyes and felt a wave of calming bliss run through her body. He kept going higher until he felt the curve of the bottom of her boob and he looked at her for permission. She opened her eyes and nodded, and he continued. He kept rubbing them and got a little more aggressive and her breath got a little heavier and he felt himself get hard in his boxers from the breathing and the feel of her velvet skin against his hand. 

He couldn't stop himself when he rolled over on top of her and forcefully pressed his lips against hers. She opened her mouth to let his tongue inside before Luke jerked away and rolled back over.

 Brooke gazed over at him with a begging look that he could tell meant she wanted more. But he looked away because he couldn't take hurting her, but it was the right thing to do.

"Wow, I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have done that. Wow. Sorry, Brooke."

"Its fine-" she started.

"I have a girlfriend, and I was taking advantage of the fact that a gorgeous girl was sleeping in my bed with me and I just wanted to know how it felt to touch you even just once. I didn't know it would lead to us making-" He started and was interrupted.

"Lucas, it's okay! Seriously, stop. I loved every second of it." She said and looked down nervously.

"Let's just go to bed and forget about everything I just did. I'm sorry." He finished.

"Alright, I guess. If that's what you want." She said upset.

"No, I want you-. Oh god this is so confusing. I don't understand anything anymore and can't remember how I used to feel, but wow right now.. I just want to touch you and kiss you and make you smile and feel your warm body. You came here upset and suddenly I felt upset too. Like I was supposed to comfort you because it was my job and you needed me, and I failed." He confessed, and she pretended not to hear. She got hurt again tonight and didn't want to hear any more about it. Luke laid down next to her, feeling embarrassed, and they both quickly drifted to sleep.

I Can't Lose You Again, Not Like This [Brucas]Where stories live. Discover now