Chapter Six

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Brooke was in her car driving home from school when she decided to take the long way home and clear her head. She was a mess since Luke was with Peyton again and she had to see them together at school, smiling at each other during practice, and she didn't know what to do to win him back. 

She let a tear roll down her face and she turned up her music to drown out her whimpers. When she passed Luke's street, she impulsively turned down it. She passed his house and noticed his car was there but nobody else's was. If he was alone, maybe she could talk to him. She turned around and pulled her blue VW Bug into his driveway. She glanced in her rearview mirror to see how badly her makeup was smudged. She pushed opened her door and walked up the sidewalk. When she got to the front door she knocked, no answer. She went to the side door that led directly to his room and knocked on that, thinking maybe he didn't hear the knock on the front door since he might have music on. She heard the hinge unlock and saw the knob turn.

"Hi... Brooke right? What's up?" He asked in confusion.

"Um hi-, i just needed somebody to talk to. I know it's out of nowhere and awkward for you but before you lost your memory, you were the only person I trusted so even though you don't remember me, I thought being around you would help cheer me up. Do you mind if I come in?" She talked slowly but got it all out.

"No," He swallowed and she looked upset. "No, I mean I don't mind. Come on in." She walked in and sat on his desk chair in the corner of the room. She glanced at his laptop, and accidentally noticed he was on her Facebook page flipping through her pictures. She smiled, knowing he was curious about her. He was looking at one of her older pictures so she knew he had been looking for a while. Then she looked and saw that on another tab was Peyton's live webcam website. She got mad and spun around in the chair and looked him right in the eye.

"So do you want to talk about what is wrong? What do I usually do to comfort you?" He asked and was nervous of her answers because her being there in the first place scared him a little. He found her incredibly beautiful, with long chocolate hair, glassy hazel eyes that looked like she was crying, a dimpled smile, and an amazing flawless body that he couldn't help but look at. He would be lying if he said he didn't want to touch her.

She thought about his question, and it gave her chills thinking of how he would usually comfort her. Whether it was just holding her, having sex with her in such a romantic way, or making her laugh, he would do anything possible in order to make her happy. "I can't really talk about it because you know the people and I don't know if it's a good idea to mention them. But I don't know, I guess just do whatever comes to you that you think will help." She shrugged after she answered, which he could tell was hard for her because she probably wanted him to do something specific but feels bad asking. He made his way closer to her on the chair and picked her up off it. She giggled.

"What are you doing?" She asked, still laughing because she wasn't expecting this from someone who doesn't remember her.

"I'm trying to cheer you up." He answered and laid her on the bed. She instantly had thoughts of what usually would happen next going through her head. But knew it wasn't going to happen since he thought Peyton was his girlfriend. He let go of her and sat next to her and tickled her. She immediately started laughing and freaking out and kicking her legs.

"Luke, no this isn't funny! I'm so ticklish and you're taking advantage of that because you know I'll laugh." She stated, then realized it was a mistake because he obviously didn't know she was ticklish, he was just trying to do anything to make her smile.

"I didn't know, memory loss remember?" He laughed. "But it worked, didn't it?"

"I guess, but now the sadness is back."

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