Chapter Four

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When Lucas opened his eyes, the white room around him looked unfamiliar and he saw a familiar woman sitting next to him in a dull colored chair.

"Oh, thank God! You're awake, good. How are you feeling?" Karen asked her son.

"Mom? Where am I? What happened?"

"You hit your head on the plane and afterward you blacked out. You were unconscious since yesterday, do you remember hitting your head?" She asked.

"What plane? Going where?" He looked confused and he tried to remember anything that happened but all he knew right now was that his head hurt, he's in a hospital, and that the woman next to him was his mom."

"You were coming back from vacation with your girlfriend —" She hesitated to finish. She didn't like Brooke, and if he didn't remember anything then maybe he would believe her if she said he was dating Peyton, who she liked better. This is a perfect opportunity for her.

"Girlfriend? What vacation? All I can remember is that you're my mom, my best friend is Haley, and I play basketball for the Ravens."

"You were in the Bahamas with your girlfriend, Peyton." She stated with a serious expression.

"Peyton Sawyer is my girlfriend? Wow, you'd think I'd remember that. Where is she?"

Karen thought to herself - Peyton would go along with this, she wants to date Lucas and would do anything to be with him and be happy. "She's on her way here," she lied. "I'll call her to see how far she is." She left the room and dialed Peyton and told her the plan. Peyton agreed and made up the excuse for why it was a good idea.

"Oh, well we all know Brooke is overdramatic and this is the best thing for him now to be in a safe, calm environment so he can recover quickly."

When Peyton got there, she kissed Luke on the cheek and he remembered her. He pictured in his mind the time they were at the motel together making out last year. But he doesn't remember the rest of the details. As far as he knew, that was his girlfriend who he apparently liked a lot since they went on vacation together.

A few days later, Luke was released to go home as long as he took it easy. Brooke tried to visit the hospital but the doctor had orders not to let her see him. She didn't understand why.

Luke went for a walk to the Rivercourt to try and spark his memory, he played some basketball until a brunette came up to him and wrapped her arms around him.

"Hey broody, how are you feeling?" Brooke asked, still unaware that he lost his memory from the accident.

"Sorry, do I know you? I don't remember meeting you before. I mean, I've seen you around at school, but..."

"What?" She choked, "I'm your girlfriend Luke, I'm Brooke. Remember me now?"

"No, sorry. My girlfriend is Peyton." He stated with certainty.

She froze and felt the tears beginning to pool in her eyes. She wiped them away because she couldn't handle losing him especially not to Peyton again. "No Luke, you are dating me. We just went on vacation together. You hit your head on the plane and then I called 9-1-1 when you blacked out after we got our luggage. Here, this will help," she leaned in and kissed his warm lips. "Now do you remember?"

"Sorry, no. I am dating Peyton, I don't know you and don't appreciate you kissing me when I have a girlfriend and just said I don't know who you are." He turned around to walk away, tucking the ball under his arm. "Sorry, but I have to go."

"Wait Luke, no." She grabbed his arm to pull him back. "You can't leave, somebody is trying to trick you and break us up."

"I told you, we aren't dating! Now stop touching me!" He stormed to walk toward his truck. She felt the tears burning in her eyes as he heard the car door slam and the engine start.

"Not again, he can't leave me." Then the salty tears started rolling down her cheeks.

In school on Thursday, Brooke found Haley with Nathan in the tutor center. She told both of them what happened at the Rivercourt. Haley said she was asked not to say anything about it because Karen felt it was best for Lucas.

"Hales, you know that's not true. He needs to know what his life was really like, not be tricked into liking somebody else He won't recover if he's thinks a lie is the truth." Brooke complained.

"But Brooke, you are a little over dramatic sometimes and he needs stability right now so he can get his memory back as soon as possible." She argued.

"Wait a minute, Brooke is right. Luke is never going to get better if he's trying to spark the wrong memories and think of Peyton as his girlfriend." Nathan cut in. Brooke smiled at him. "Besides, Peyton comes with plenty of drama as well. Believe me. Yes, Brooke does get Luke in trouble from time to time — no offense, Brooke — but Peyton is just as bad." He finished.

"Can you talk to him then Nate, for me?" Brooke asked with a dimpled smile. Haley shot a look at him that he knew wasn't going to end up well if he disobeyed her opinion.

"I can't if it means jeopardizing Haley's happiness and will get me in trouble with my wife." He answered. "Sorry Brooke."

She stormed away and Nate couldn't tell if she was pissed off or crying, either way he didn't like it. Brooke would have helped him out if their roles were reversed and Haley forgot him. He decided maybe he could drop some hints to Lucas, without Haley getting mad at him.

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