Chapter Two

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It was around 11 p.m. when Brooke and Lucas got back to their suite after another long day spent with each other. They both knew the week was coming to an end because tomorrow they'd have to wake up, pack up their stuff and go home. Tonight was their last night in the Bahamas together, but they both agreed they were going to go somewhere else together soon because this week was the best week they've both had in a long time.

"I'm exhausted, this week was so much fun, Boyfriend!" Brooke said with a glowing smile on her face as she wrapped her arms around Luke's neck and kissed him passionately.

"I know, what do you want to do for the final hours?" He asked after pulling back from the kiss. He truthfully just wanted to kiss Brooke the whole night until they fell asleep, he was happiest just being intimate with her because he always felt closest to her that way and it showed how much they both needed each other.

"Lets go skinny dipping, nobody will be on the beach this late, right?" She laughed and started pulling down her pants to change into a bikini. He watched her, not taking his eyes off her body until she was completely in her bikini. It took everything out of him to not go over and touch her, but he was saving it until tonight. She glanced up at him and noticed he was still staring at her, but this time he was looking right in her bright eyes and had a genuine smile on his face that made Brooke feel loved. She smiled back. "Are you going to change too, or just stand there and look at me for the rest of the night?" She giggled and her white perfect teeth showed.

"Oh yeah, I forgot. I got a little distracted watching you. If it were up to me, I would stare at you forever and just be able to admire you and every little thing I love about you." He stated surely, embarrassed.

"I love you too Broody, I always will. You are everything to me." They kissed again and it turned into a long make out session and by the time they got down to the beach it was almost midnight.

Brooke reached the water where the waves were crashing on the shore and pulled the string on her bikini so it dropped onto the sand. Lucas stood there, paralyzed that Brooke was so open with him and he loved it. He took off his shorts and took a step closer to her. The only light around them was from the moon's reflection on the ocean. It bounced off their bodies and made both of them look flawless, which they both were in each other's mind. He untied the top of her bikini and then the strap around her back and it fell to the sand right next to her bottoms.

Luke leaned over and kissed Brooke's neck and trailed his warm fingers over her collarbone lightly. Then he kissed her lips and grabbed her hand and they took a step into the water.

"Shit, it's freezing!" Brooke complained, Lucas agreed. But he scooped her up and ran into the water with her. A wave crashed over them and got their hair wet. Brooke shrieked from the cold touching her naked skin but Luke held her tight and was rubbing her body roughly which warmed her up from the friction. He put her down so she could stand, and as soon as her feet hit the ground their lips collided together instantaneously as if they both needed to feel each other's lips on their own. The kissing and rubbing in the water lasted a little while, but Brooke began getting too cold so they decided to go out and resume the kissing in their room. The dressed each other and raced toward the hotel. In the elevator, they were alone.

"Brooke, come closer." Lucas whispered and he wrapped his arms around her and pulled her into his embrace.

"Somebody might walk on, Luke." She laughed but didn't really care. He ran his hand up her leg and stopped right before the fabric of her bikini started. She looked at him with sad eyes, wanting more. "Luke, don't stop."

"You're going to have to wait, I can't do anything in here." He smiled and they stayed hugging until the doors opened on their floor. He began running down the hall, eager to be alone with his beautiful girlfriend. She chased after him and jumped on his back, laughing.

"I like when you carry me, because I get to feel the warmth of your skin against mine and I feel close to you." She told him and he smiled and continued running. He opened the door and threw her onto the bed and jumped onto her, both of them laughing uncontrollably. As soon as the door clicked shut he ripped the bikini off her and kissed down from her neck to her stomach. He rubbed the dip where her hip met her pelvis, teasingly. She shivered for his light touch. She pulled off his shorts and then walked to the bathroom and he followed, confused.

"We smell like salt water, we need a shower." She told him, smiling and biting her lip.

"If you say so, I won't object." He laughed and started the water. Then he went over to her and pressed her against the bare cold wall and kissed her aggressively. She moaned, "Luke, oh god I want you so badly."

"I want you too, Pretty Girl. All of you, everything with you, every part of you, forever." Then they jumped into the shower and she rinsed her hair under the warm water and let it run down her back while Lucas picked up the soap and squeezed it into his hand. She tilted her head up so it wasn't under the water and kissed him forcefully and his hands rubbed the soap all over her body. Her skin felt amazing when he rubbed the soap on it because the silky soap mixed with her velvet skin was the smoothest thing he's ever felt. He rubbed a little more aggressively when he made his way to her perky boobs and massaged the soap into her ass, while still kissing. Then she got under the water again and he watched it all rinse down over her long legs and off her body. He felt like he was watching an angel shower. His angel that he got to touch while she looked like this. He got under the water and rinsed his hair and she lathered up the soap and rubbed it onto his toned abs and then over his broad shoulders.

Once they were both clean he rubbed his hands up her thighs and lightly brushed against her pussy. He could feel the wetness flowing out because of him and he picked her up and slid her onto his hard dick and pressed her back against the wall. She let out a soft, long moan when he entered her and closed her eyes. He began fucking her slowly at first while kissing her soft lips and jawbone down to her neck. She laid her head onto his shoulder so she could concentrate on the feeling of him filling her, thrusting in and out and each time getting deeper and deeper. He got faster and her moans grew louder into his ear. The feeling of her hot breath against his neck and her moans in his ear made him cum right away. She wasn't ready yet but he knew she was close since her moans continued to grow.

"Luke, don't stop. Oh my god, you feel amazing." She moaned.

He slid her off his length and fingered her until he got hard again, which didn't take very long. He continued fingering her aggressively as he turned off the shower and picked her up and carried her to the bed and laid her on it. He climbed over her and entered her tight pussy. He could feel the walls of wetness around his dick contracting and her moans continued to get louder. She was about to scream.

"Lucas, I love you. Harder. I'm so close." She commanded and he obeyed, he fucked her deeper and harder then before and soon she felt waves of warmth going through her whole body and she laid her head back, squeezed her eyes shut, and began to come. The sight of her long curvy body arched back and his dick going in and out of her brought on his second orgasm.

"Brooke, oh wow. You feel amazing. Come for me baby, come with me." He whispered and it sent her over the edge. They both let out loud moans and felt their orgasm overwhelm their bodies and take over. When they were both done, they crashed onto the bed. Their lips pressed together, both out of breath. He placed soft kisses all over her neck and chest until she caught her breath. Then when they both were back to breathing normal he wrapped his arms around her and held her tight and they made out for a little while. He moved her hair out of her face and rubbed her shoulders gently to calm her down.

"I love you Lucas Scott, you know that?" She told him with a glowing face, from a combination of happiness and satisfaction of him being inside her.

"I know you too, Pretty Girl. I love you too, I always will. I will never forget you, I want to be with you forever."

They laid together kissing and rubbing each other soothingly until they both drifted asleep.

I Can't Lose You Again, Not Like This [Brucas]Where stories live. Discover now