Chapter Eight

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Brooke checked the clock, 4:23 AM. A nightmare woke her up in tears when she dreamt that Lucas never recovered from amnesia and he and Peyton got married, with Brooke forced to be a bridesmaid in tears watching the love of her life be with her ex-best friend. She rolled over and saw the man she loved laying next to her peacefully with his shirt bunched up to his chest from the covers moving against them. She smiled through tears and used the blanket to wipe them away.

"I love you, Lucas Scott. I want to tell you so badly but I'm scared you'll run away again like last time and I'll never get another chance." She whispered before leaning over and kissing him on the forehead and getting out of bed and grabbing her stuff. She took one last glance at him sleeping while opening the door that led outside and smiled a little in his direction then closed the door behind her and headed to her car.


When Luke woke up the next morning from the sound of his alarm buzzing, he hit the snooze button and rolled over searching for Brooke. She wasn't there. A nervous feeling that she left because of what he did last night ran through him and he was suddenly in a bad mood. He walked to the bathroom and turned on the shower before stripping and getting in. The whole time he imagined Brooke being there with him and the way her lips tasted last night. He couldn't imagine going much longer without tasting her again. He didn't know many things, but he knew that he wanted her.

He got out of the shower and got dressed for school and got into his truck after tossing his backpack in the passenger seat. He parked in his spot and saw Peyton waiting there for him. He checked her out, she was incredibly attractive and he smiled that he was dating someone like her. But in the back of his mind he knew she was nothing compared to Brooke Davis.

"Hey, how'd you sleep?" Peyton greeted her boyfriend with a kiss.

"Pretty well, but I woke up badly. I had a weird dream." He lied.

"Oh, what happened?" She asked curiously, hoping it wasn't about Peyton.

Lucas couldn't tell her about Brooke so he lied again, "I don't remember, I just know I felt like shit when I woke up."

"Oh, well it was just a dream, baby. It's all okay now." She said and grabbed his hand as they walked into school. No it wasn't, he thought to himself. Not unless he found out why Brooke left and why she was upset last night and why he wanted her so badly. Luke took notice that Peyton's skin on her hands weren't as soft as Brooke's skin was. He sighed and knew at that moment that Brooke was the one he wanted.

They went to first period and had to part their ways, they kissed and said I'll see you later. Lucas sat down in his desk and noticed the empty seat across the room where he remembered Brooke sat. Where was she? He wondered to himself, and inside he felt a pain that wanted her to be there because she put him in a better mood.

He sat through a little bit of class but got bored of hearing the teacher's voice and asked to go to the bathroom. The teacher nodded and he got up and walked out the door then headed down the hall. Then he smiled. There she was, Brooke Davis, at her locker. He snuck up behind her as she turned her lock slowly and pulled open the small door of the locker. When it was open, he saw it. Brooke dropped her head when she saw the decorations and pictures of them together and frowned.

"What is all of that?" He demanded. Brooke jumped a little and quickly turned around.

She hit him in the shoulder lightly, "Don't do that! You almost gave me a heart attack! What did you say?"

"What are those decorations?" He repeated.

"Oh, um -" She stuttered nervous of what to say. "I forgot they were there because I haven't been to my locker all week. They're from a few weeks ago.."

"Who did that? Why are there pictures of us and our names and hearts?" He was confused.

"You don't get it yet? I told you at the Rivercourt that first day.. Never mind, just forget it. I give up." She closed the locker and walked down the hall and out the door toward her car. She didn't want to be there.

Lucas went back to class and couldn't understand what just happened. Then he remembered, he decorated her locker for her when they were dating. But why did she leave them there if they broke up and he dated Peyton for a while since then? Why didn't she move on. He thought to himself, maybe Haley was right, she just isn't over me and doesn't want to accept that I'm dating someone else. But he figured that explained his desire to touch her, certain he had done so in the past. And he obviously enjoyed it.

He continued going to his classes, but having his mind only on Brooke and everything that happened. He wanted to remember so badly and couldn't understand what she meant when she said 'You don't get it yet?' She's right, he didn't get it at all.

I Can't Lose You Again, Not Like This [Brucas]Where stories live. Discover now