Chapter Ten

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Lucas pulled away from Brooke's lips and continued to speak. "You didn't let me finish. See, that's the thing. I don't need to remember; because I still feel everything I want to feel with a girl right now, with you. I get this feeling that I would do anything to make you happy and that I want to spend every second of my time with you. Every time you look at me, I'm suddenly in a better mood. Maybe I don't know everything that we did together, but I know that I love you. And what I feel for you is important to me because it feels amazing. I love you, Brooke."

"I love you too Lu-" Then she felt his warm lips aggressively push against hers, and his hands wrapped around her back. She laid back and he fell on top of her, their tongues never parting in the process. He pulled off her shirt and rubbed her curves along the outside of her hip. Then he took his lips off hers and looked her in the eyes, they were glowing and he knew she was finally happy.

"Is this okay?" he asked, while reaching around to unclip her bra.

"Wait, you have a girlfriend though..." She trailed off and felt her hopes die a little.

"I broke up with Peyton before I came here, I followed her out of your practice and talked to her. I didn't tell her why though, just that I needed to think and try to focus on recovering. But I think she knew it was because of you, she caught me staring at you during your entire practice. But I didn't care, I want to be with you, not Peyton."

Brooke just looked at him, and Luke didn't know what to say. Did he do something wrong? At that moment Brooke stood up directly in front of him and stared into his eyes. Luke got nervous, she was only in a bra, which made his heart beat rapidly, and he didn't know if she was mad or if he did something wrong. But then she reached behind her back, unclipped her bra and let it fall to the ground before biting her lip. He stared at her in shock; he was speechless and couldn't help but stare at her perfect body. He felt himself getting hard in his pants that quickly got too tight so he unbuttoned them and slid them off past his ankles until they fell to the ground next to Brooke's bra.

"Look what you do to me" Lucas laughed and Brooke eyed his body up and down as he took off his shirt. She missed his amazing defined abs and couldn't wait to touch them. Then Lucas reached out and grabbed Brooke and rolled her over on the bed so he was on top of her. He unbuttoned her pants and yanked them down eagerly, never taking his eyes off her body. He leaned down and kissed her neck, then trailed kisses to her earlobe and sucked on it lightly and she moaned. He looked her in the eyes again and placed his hand on her left breast and rubbed it hard and she let out a light breath. He kissed her again and they made out for a few seconds while he cupped her breasts and and enjoyed the softness of her skin. Within another minute they were both naked and eager to touch each other as much as possible. He rubbed lightly against her warm center and felt the wetness and he closed his eyes in delight. Then he remembered, lying on the beach with her. Waking her up by fingering her in the hotel room with the only light in the room being a strip of the sun coming in over the canopy. He remembered being on the jet ski and purposely making her fall off just to jump in and help her. He remembered how she fell asleep lying on his naked chest while her naked body was exposed to him because she trusted him with her whole world. He remembered how much he loved her.

"Brooke, I remember the Bahamas with you. I remember waking you up, the jet ski, the way you fell asleep cuddled up on me. How much I love you and always will." He whispered into her ear and she rolled on top of him and kissed him softly but held the kiss for a few lingering seconds. He didn't want her to ever pull away, he wanted to feel her warm body against his and her lips on him forever.

"I love you, Lucas. Make love to me, like you used to." She moaned into his neck.

Then everything came flooding back. All the memories of them before the Bahamas, everything they've been through together. Everything about his life. He kissed her again and felt a tear fall down his cheek onto Brooke.

"What's wrong, Broody?"

"I remember everything. God, I love you Pretty Girl." He gasped and she pulled him into her, their lips crashing together again.


They woke up the next morning from the sound of a phone ringing. Luke reached to silence it before looking next to him and seeing Brooke naked laying against his chest fast asleep. They both fell asleep on Brooke's bed and slept through the night in each others' arms. Lucas leaned over and kissed Brooke's soft cheek, remembering all that they did the night before. He was so relieved he remembered everything about her, and everything about his life. She opened her eyes when she felt his lips press against hers and his hand rub her hip.

"Morning boyfriend. Wow, I never thought I would be so happy to say that to you!" She said with a smile and he admired how adorable she looked in the morning. "How'd you sleep?"

"Better than ever, all because I was next to you Pretty Girl." He said and she kissed him again. Then his phone started ringing again and he looked at the display. 'Mom calling'. Lucas hesitated; mad because he remembered his mom telling him he was dating Peyton and lying to him about Brooke.

"Hello?" Luke said through the receiver.

"Lucas Eugene Scott, Where the hell are you? You're still in recovery and you need to tell me where you are before you just don't show up at home all night. I was sitting around waiting for you and you didn't answer your phone. -" She started.

"I'm with Brooke." he cut her off. She didn't answer for a second. "Mom?"

"What happened to Peyton?" she asked, nervous.

"She isn't my girlfriend. I remember everything. Why would you lie to me? You know how I feel about Brooke..."

"I'm sorry, it's just that Peyton is better for you. You and Brooke are completely wrong for each other. I thought putting you guys together would help you realize that."

"Who I date is none of your business, I love Brooke more than anything and if you've ever been in love than you should know how I feel. It's my life and I'm glad you watch out for me, but you have no right to tell me lies in order to manipulate my relationship with my girlfriend." He said, getting madder by the second. Brooke crawled closer to him and wrapped an arm around him and rubbed his shoulder lightly to calm him down.

"Fine, but don't say I didn't warn you when she screws you over. I know all about her reputation and Peyton told me a lot about her that disgusts me. You don't know the kind of person she used to be." Karen said, getting Luke furious.

"I know exactly who she was, and who she is. She's amazing and if you gave her a chance you'd understand that. And I'm not leaving her so either you accept us, or you lose me telling you anything about my life because Brooke is the biggest part of it and that isn't changing." He said and hung up.

"I'm sorry Broody, I wish you didn't have to go through that. It's my fault." Brooke said and looked at the ground. He picked her chin up and kissed her.

"Brooke, you are perfect and I love you more than anything or anyone and nothing will change that and don't worry about my mom, she'll eventually see you the way I see you. Nothing is your fault babe, don't be upset about this."

"I love you Lucas Scott."

"I Love you too Brooke Davis, I always will." He told her and kissed her again, never wanting to let her go.

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