Chapter 3

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Caroline drove me home that day. Well she was supposed to.

"So you want to go straight home?" She asked.

"Yeah... why?" I asked.

"You don't want to apologize to Matt at the Grille?" She wondered. I looked away in guilt.

"I- I know... fine let's go." I said. she parked the car.

"Well are you coming or not?" she asked. I shot her a death glare.

"Really Caroline?" I said.

"Yep..." she said. She looked down the street.

"What aren't you coming in?" I asked.

"I'll be there in a second." she said. I kept trying to see what she was looking at.

"Okay Caroline, see ya." I said as I walked into the Grille. It smelled like burgers and beer. Matt was wiping the bar counter.

"Hey Matt!" I said, hoping he would respond.

"Hey Ronnie." he said not making eye contact.

"How did you know without looking at me?" I wondered.

"Mostly because Elena is sitting over there with Stefan Salvatore." He said.

"Oh, that's his name." I said. Staring at him. I made my way over.

"Hi, Stefan, right?" I asked. he looked up at me a little confused, again like he was seeing double.

"Yeah, your Ronnie right Elena's twin sister?" he asked.

"Yeah..." I said staring at Elena, smiling uneasy as if she was embarrassed.

"You know how to tell us apart I wear my hair in buns and ponytails and in braids she wears her hair out, also I have this birthmark in the middle of my left cheek." I said looking at Stefan, he chuckled.

"Good to know." he said.

"Well I should get going, nice to meet you Stefan, bye Elena!" I said.

"Bye Ronnie!" she shouted back at me. I walked towards Matt.

"Hey, I'm sorry." I said watching him still wiping the same spot on the bar while staring at Elena and Stefan.

"For what?" he asked in a rude tone.

"Well, for being rude this morning, I should not have come to the conclusion that everything is about Elena." I answered. He looked at me, with an apologetic face.

"No I'm sorry, Ronnie I apologize for not calling you all summer and for only talking about Elena and complaining about her breaking up with me." he said, hoping for me to respond. I hugged him tightly.

"Thanks, for being honest with me." I said.

"Your welcome." he said. I broke the hug.

"Bye Matt, see you later." I said.

"Bye, see ya!" he quickly said as I ran out of the Grille. The second I exited, I couldn't see Caroline's car. I grabbed my phone and called her.

"Hey Caroline here, if I missed your call leave a name and message and i'll get back to you in a bit!" said her voicemail. Why would she leave me here without a ride? Confused I walked back towards the Grille.

"Ronnie, what happened?" Elena asked, while putting her coat on and getting ready to leave.

"Caroline ditched me." I said.

"That doesn't sound like her?" she wondered.

"Did you call her?" asked Matt.

"Yeah, it went straight to voicemail." I said.

"Well I'll give you a ride." offered Stefan. I forgot he was still here.

"No that's okay your giving Elena a ride, Ronnie i'll give you a ride." snapped Matt. We all looked at him.

"Okay, thanks, and Stefan thanks for the offer." I said.


Thanks for still reading, read on to see what happens to Ronnie next.

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