Chapter 22

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When I drove into the parking lot, I nearly had a heart attack as the one guy I didn't want to see was standing near the drivers side door. I slowly got out.

"What?" I asked.

"What happened last night?"

"I kissed you."


"I really don't know."

"It's because you still have feelings for me."

"Maybe that's true, so what?" I asked irritated, and that's when an electric chair was strapped to my lips and turned on.

He kissed me, he then bit my bottom lips and on instinct my mouth flew open in pain, and his tongue flew in, taking a tour of my mouth, I gave in after about three seconds and wrapped my arms around his neck, his hands now on my waist, the kiss was passionate, but safe, letting me know I could trust him. We pulled away and he grabbed my face searching my eyes for any sign of a mutual feeling, so I smiled, and he did too.

"I'm guessing you felt the same?" He smirked.

"Mhm, you guessed right." I replied before kissing him again, only more softer, and sweet, once I pulled away.

"Ronnie will you be my girlfriend again?" He asked.

"I thought I already was." I laughed and he joined before the bell rang. "I gotta go."

"Have fun." He chuckled before kissing my forehead. I laughed as he began to walk away are fingers slowly unraveling. My mouth pouted into a from.

"Don't go." I begged like a five year-old girl.

"I love you." He promised.

"I love you too, I'll see you later." I smiled, than he slammed me against the car and kissed me like never before, very passionately, yet reckless, and I loved every minute of it. He pulled away and kissed my cheek.

"In case there is no later." He said before speeding away. I stayed stars truck for about two minutes before running to my next class. Alaric gave me a late slip, reading: Damon?

I nodded, and walked over to the doorway that he pulled me to.

"Yeah? How'd you know?"

"The classroom window, everyone saw." He sighed, I joined.

"Well that's not embarrassing." I said sarcastically, he patted me on the back and I strolled to my seat.

"Well if it isn't the slut that sleeps with her sister's boyfriend's brother." Michelle, the bitch of the school said. My knuckles grew white.

"I'm a virgin for you information, unlike you who sleeps with 40 year-old married men that you met off of a street corner." I snapped back in a whisper for only her to hear.

"Well at least I don't get sexually harassed by men in a school parking lot."

"One, he's my boyfriend, which is something you can't say, and two at least I'm not a fucking prostitute!" Which I yelled a little too loud.

"What's the problem ladies?" Alaric asked, glancing at me confused.

"She called me a prostitute Mister Saltzman!" Michelle snitched.

"Only after she called me a 'slut that was being sexually harassed in a parking lot' FYI he's my boyfriend!" I assured everyone. "Alaric, you've got to believe me, I never would say that or no reason."

"I believe you Miss Gilbert bu-"

"Of course you believe her you fucking her whore of an Aunt."

"YOU BITCH!" I yelled in unison with Elena, we both almost lunged at her but Stefan grabbed Elena and Ric grabbed me holding us back.

"Both Gilbert's to the office now! Stefan escort Elena, and Ronnie, Michelle you'll be escorted by me, Caroline can you get Mrs. Walters next door please."

"Sure." Caroline agreed as Stefan pulled me down the hallway.


I was suspended,(Not Elena since I told them she just stood up to defend our Aunt, but Michelle got suspended for a week four days for insulting a teacher and day for two days for insulting a student and the one day for trying to bribe a teacher for her way out)but I was for attempted harm at a student, it would have been two days but now it's four when I argued:

"She's not a student she's a bitch and a slut, that I bet has even slept with your husband and you don't even know it." To the assistant principal, so now it's four days. My first instinct was to call Aunt Jenna but since the office did that for me, I called Damon.

**********Phone Convo**********

Damon: "I just saw you like five minutes ago," *laugh* "clingy much?"

Me: "Ha ha, no, just got into a little trouble and since Jenna is held up at work, I need a ride home."

Damon: *sigh* "What'd ya do?"

Me: "Nothing really." *nervous lip bite*

Damon: *chuckle* "I know your lying." *laugh*

Me: "Yeah right!" *laugh*


"I know because you bite your lip when your nervous." He said from behind me, I jumped but turned around.

"Okay, so maybe I was lying, can we go?" I asked.

"Fine, but you gotta tell me what happened." He negotiated.

"Fine." I whined and he laughed again. We walked outside and I climbed into his fading green car.

"So where to?" He asked, starting the car.

" 'bout somewhere exciting?" I asked, unsure.

"Okay buckle up and prepare for the ride." He warned and I threw my seatbelt on as he drove as fast as he possibly could.

"OH MY GODDD!!!" I screamed, after about not even a minute, he stopped in front of the Mystic Falls Reservoir.

Where my parents died.

"Damon, I can't be here." I said backing away.

"I know, but instead of making it a place of sorrow and danger, make a place where you are going to have the best day of your life with your favorite vampire in the whole world."

"Well when you put it that way...."

"Come on, jump onto my back and don't let go." I did as he said and immediately regretted it as we were now on the other side of the reservoir.

"DAMON!!" I yelled but he just laughed and put me down, on the grass.

"Ready for the best day of your life?"

"100 percent, thank you very much." I laughed and he joined.


And that was the best day of my life.


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