Chapter 20

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We arrived at a place called Bree's Bar.

"Why'd we stop?" Elena asked.

"Damon can't go hours without bourbon." I sneered and she giggled with me.

"Ha ha ha." Damon mocked. "Let's go."

"Why are we even here?" I asked as we exited his old mint car.

"I need to catch up with an old friend." He said over his shoulder giving me a wink. That was my hint because right when we entered the bar the bartender ran up to him and had a huge full on make out session in the middle of the bar. In front. of. everyone. Which was even more weird because Damon physically looks twenty and the bartender looks thirty or forty.

"Damon Salvatore." She said releasing him. "Long time no see."

"Same to you Bree, gorgeous as ever."

"And you haven't aged a day." She complimented back.

"Why thank you." He took absorbed, great enlarge his already overpopulating ego, smart move.

"Who are these lovely ladies?"

"Bree this is Veronica, Ronnie, and her sister Stefan's girl, Elena." Damon introduced.

"So, both Salvatore's got both doppelgängers." She said looking at us both.

"I'm not Damon's" I stated, Bree looked at me confused. "Not anymore."

"You broke up?" She questioned. I glanced at Damon, who was already looking at me.

"The whole Vampire thing, you know, the fact he drank blood from human vein." I said.

"Is that it?" She asked.

"That and he lied to me, he tried to kiss my sister." I said.

"What happened?" Bree asked leading us to the bar.

"She slapped him." I laughed, she joined.

"Enough about Damon and I, tell us about how you two know each other."


I don't know how or when but I was drunk, and dancing on the bar table, my coat was off, and so I was only in my Black cropped bralet and pants, I forgot to keep track of my shoes, so I was also barefoot, 'cause I lost my socks as well. Damon came back from speaking with Bree to yell at me.

"R-Ron, g-get d-down." He chuckled at me.

"Don't b-be a partaytay poopaaa." I slurred. He grabbed me by the waist and put me on a bar stool.

"Your drunk."

"NOOOOO REALLLAYYYY?" I slurred/yelled sarcastically.

"Veronica, get sober, we have to go soon." He ordered while I played with his hair.

"Blah. blah. blah. Booooooooop" I mocked as I poked his nose.

"Hey Miss 'Not with Damon', where's your look-a-like?" Bree asked from behind me. I instantly sobered.

"Damon? Do you see her?"

"Relax, she's probably outside." He assured as he got up and walked outside with me. We scanned the front parking lot until he bent down to pick something up from the ground.

"What is it?" I asked but I was answered when he handed me her cellphone. "No, no, no, no! No!"

"Ronnie relax!" He said trying to calm me down. "She's cant be far, jump on."

"Jump on?" I asked but he hoisted me on his back and in almost half-a-second we came to behind some sort of water, or power plant. Elena was tied to the gated-fence."ELENA!"

"AHH!" Damon said from behind me as he was tackled to the ground. I looked behind me and saw an another vampire holding a stake to Damon.

"No!" I shouted and pushed him away.

"You? I just tied you up?" He said examining me. I pointed towards Elena.

"That's my sister. Listen, I'm Veronica, and killing my boyfriend won't save you from avenging Lexi." I said, knowing exactly what he did, not too long ago Damon had killed Lexi for his own stupid purposes. Lexi, Stefan's best friend, Lexi, a friendly acquaintance.

"You knew her?" He asked turning to me.

"Yeah, I met her, she told me a lot about you, good things, things she loved about you." I said. "I don't think one of them was you killing people who've wronged you."

"I'm doing you a favor anyway! He needs to die."

"Would Lexi want you to?Would she really want you to ruin other people's loves in the process?" He dropped the stake."Thank you."

"It wasn't for you." He said before speeding away, I ran to Damon.

"Boyfriend huh?" He asked.

"Shut up, you so owe me." I said helping him up then running to Elena and untying her. "Can we go home now?"

"Yes, let me grab your stuff at the bar first." He said and sped us to the car.

"Okay, see you after."


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