Chapter 24

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3:26 a.m.

That's when I woke up screaming.

"Ronnie!" A distant voice yelled.

But I couldn't stop.

All I could hear was my screaming, All I could feel was a warm salty liquid running down my cheeks. My eyes were clamped shut, letting the nightmare live on.

"Ronnie!" the voice whispered again.

Something was chasing me, it was big it was hairy...

It was Tyler.

Tyler my best friend.

Tyler the werewolf.

The werewolf that could've killed me.

My eyes fluttered open, and I was back in the sad, scary reality of My life. Damon was holding my face, and his eyes were wide and filled with concern.

"Ronnie what's wrong?" He asked.

"I-I n-nothing." I stammered. liar.

"You're lying." Dammit did he read my thoughts?

"No I'm not." I protested. Lie.

"You just did it again. Calm on Ronnie, tell me the truth, what's going on?"

"It's the w-werewolf, i-it was ch-chasing me." I stuttered in response.

"Okay, it's okay, we're going to be okay."

"Damon what's that?" I asked pointing to his shoulder, this is the first time I noticed he was shirtless.

"It's nothing." He assured. I flung myself of the bed and pinned him face first to the ground.

There was a huge bite mark on his back.

"Damon what happens when a Vampire gets bitten by a Werewolf?" I asked nervously, my breath hitched in my throat.

"How'd you pin me?" He asked.

"I asked you a question first." I stated.

"I won't answer until you do." He negotiated.

"Fine, but you'll get a lousy answer because I don't know." I replied, a little confused myself. "Now you."

"Ronnie you really don't want to know."

"I do Damon, 100%." I begged.

"You know it's ironic that your begging me but I'm pinned face first on the ground." He laughed, I could feel his smirk.

"Answer me." I demanded.

"When a Vampire gets bitten by a werewolf..."

"Yeah...?" I pushed.


"You what?"

"We... uh.... we die."

"You what? But your already dead, your undead." I questioned.

"We die permanently, we can't come back Veronica." He explained. "I'm sorry."

"Oh my God." Was all I could manage. I got up from the ground paced the room. Damon lifted himself up.

"Ronnie it's going to be okay, we're going to be okay."

"No! no we're not! There has to be a cure! I have to be able to do something! I screamed. He sped up to me and pinned me against the wall holding my face on both sides.

"It doesn't matter." He assured me.

"Ye-" I tried but he placed a finger to my lips.

"All that matter is that we love each other and we'll get through this, together." He proposed.

"Together." I agreed, before he smashed his lips to mine, concealing our promise.


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