Chapter 7

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After I took a shower I closed the bedroom door and locked it so Jeremy wouldn't waltz in here and see me naked. My phone rang.

"Hey Ronnie!" Said Tyler on the other side of the phone.

"Oh hey Tyler!" I said as I put him on speaker and made my way to find my bra and underwear.

"So I was wondering if you Vicki, Matt and me wanted to go see a movie tomorrow." he asked as I put on my pink lightly floral day dress and my black sliver studded high heels.

"Sounds fun, but I don't know if Matt will go, he showing symptoms of OOES." I said.

"What the hell is that?" he asked.

"Obsessing Over Elena Syndrome." I said he chuckled as I reached for my black leather jacket and black purse.

"I already asked him and he said yes." he said.

"Okay.. wait what time is it?" I asked remembering the curfew.

"7:35 at night is that okay?" he asked. I checked my agenda, I am booked for sports most of the times on Thursdays so I had to make sure.

"Yeah I'm free nothing going on from 7:35 to 9:50 so I'm all yours." I said with a smile.

"Great.. see ya." he said.

"Later.." I said as I hung up the phone. I had to get something nice to wear for Thursday I had absolutely no new movie clothes. I went downstairs ran to get my keys then ran back upstairs because I forgot my credit card, went to the bathroom gave Jeremy a kiss on the head and ran back downstairs out of my house locked the door ran down the driveway got back in my car and drove to the mall. I got out of my car walked into Forever 21 grabbed my phone and texted Vicki.

"Hey what movie are we seeing?" I asked.

"Twilight: New Moon." She texted back. The movie sequel to my favorite book series and that meant a comfortable black dress, I grabbed on off the rack, stunning, now I need shoes I took some Michael Kors black high heels and a trip to the dressing room was all I needed to confirm how it looked on me I was right it looked stunning.

When I walked out of the room I bumped into Damon?


What will happen next?

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